Who Was Responsible For The Titanic Disaster Essay

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Who/What was responsible for the titanic disaster? Who/what was responsible for the titanic to sink, that's a question that a lot of people have asked but never got the true answer to. In my opinion this is why and who i think was at fault for the disaster. I believe that both radio men on the Titanic and on the Californian were partly responsible for the sinking ship and here's why. Radio men were supposed to be on duty 24/7 meaning they were supposed to always pay attention. The day of the disaster there were many iceberg warnings but the radio men ignored most of the warnings (Ballard, pg.19). Harold Bride, a radio operator assistant, turned off the radio and took a nap, as cited, ”...Harold Bride was exhausted…” and, “...and Bride lay down to take a much needed nap…”(Ballard,pg.19). Not only was the Titanic radio operators held accountable for the disaster but so were the Californian radio operators too. The Californian was the closest ship to the titanic while it was sinking, so they thought to send distress calls to the Californian to get help, but to their dismay, the radio operators on the that ship turned off their radios, so they weren’t disturbed, and went to their bunkers to go to bed. So no matter how many distress calls they sent, they would not be heard (Ballard,pg.19). …show more content…

Thomas Andrews was actually on the ship the night of the disaster, so he died on the ship as well as many other crew members and passengers. First off the way he built the ship was a big factor on why the titanic actually started to sink in the first place. He built the ship to where the water weight compartments were right next to each other. Meaning even though there were six of them, if one filled with water it would just flood into the next one, so eventually they would all be flooded, and therefore the Titanic

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