Understanding Human Influence on Climate Change

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Climate Change can be defined as the change in the pattern of the weather, related changes in oceans, land surfaces and ice sheets, occurring over time. ("1. What Is Climate Change? | Australian Academy Of Science") Climate change more in depth is the change in the statistical description of the state of the climate system that persists for usually 30 years. The climate is currently changing mostly due to increased human activities like burning fossil fuels of coal, oil or natural gas, agriculture or land clearing. ("Understanding Climate Change | Department Of The Environment") Some of the recent changes over the years include increased ocean temperature, the melting of widespread melting of snow and ice as well as rising sea levels. With …show more content…

Increasing temperature is caused by heat being trapped by greenhouse gases in the Earth 's atmosphere, which causes the average temperatures to rise all around the world. ("Warmer Oceans | A Student 's Guide To Global Climate Change | US EPA") Increasing sea levels is caused by water which is being heated which then takes up more space. Each and every drop of water only expands by a little bit, but when this is multiplied by the expansion all over the entire depth of our oceans it all adds up and causes our sea levels to rise. Sea levels are also rising due to melting glaciers. ("Rising Sea Level | A Student 's Guide To Global Climate Change | US EPA") Increasing acidic levels is caused by Carbon dioxide being burned from fossil fuels being added into the atmosphere. Oceans are important in keeping our carbon cycle in balance. With carbon dioxide levels increasing in the atmosphere, the oceans begin to absorb it. Once absorbed the carbon dioxide reacts with sea water to form carbonic acid. This then causes the oceans to become more acidic. ("Increased Ocean Acidity | A Student 's Guide To Global Climate Change | US EPA") Increasing extreme whether events is caused by the temperature rising our air becomes warmer which causes more moisture evaporates into the atmosphere from land and water. More …show more content…

("Photosynthesis - Biology-Online Dictionary") This process can be simplified in this equation: 6CO2+12H2O+energy=C6H12O6+6O2+6H2O. It means photosynthesis is a process in which carbon dioxide (CO2), water (H2O) and light energy are utilized to synthesize an energy-rich carbohydrate like glucose (C6H12O6) and to produce oxygen (O2) as a by-product. ("Photosynthesis - Biology-Online

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