What Does Smart Mean To You Essay

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When I am in school people think I am stupid by the way I act. I guess people think because I am a class clown that I am not smart. I have always been on top of my grades since I was in elementary. My mom stays on top of me as well. She pushes me to do better every day. When I was in 3rd grade we had a multiplication tables test. Everybody in the class was good multiplication. I was fooling around as usual and people thought I was going to fail. I studied all night until the big test day came. When I stood the test paper got passed to my desk, everybody started giggling and started cracking jokes. “Ha-ha, you’re going to fail that Keion “, “Use that peanut head and pass the test dork “. At first I lost hope in myself because everybody was against …show more content…

I was anxious to see his score since he was talking mess. I took my time and used to skills I gained when I was studying for my test. All the other students in my class finished before me and they started coming with the jokes again. I was still focused making sure I got the test finished. I eventually finished the test and the teacher started calling out grades. The person who was calling me names failed the test and all the kids starting laughing at him. I kept quiet because I wasn’t sure if I passed the test either. When she got to my name the class froze. She said I had a perfect score on the test which was the highest score in the class. Everybody was shocked and started cheering me on. That is an example of my quote, “No one knows what he can do until he tries”. Another example of my quote is when I play basketball. I usually be serious in gym so I just play around. When I actually try and play the game, my teams doesn’t lose games. Nobody knew I could actually play basketball until I actually tried for real. My last example that involves my quote is an event that happened in 7th grade. My class had a class spelling

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