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What is the meaning of leadership
Defining the role of leadership
What is the meaning of leadership
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What Does it Mean to Lead?
It takes more than a loud voice and an abundance of power to be a leader. Leadership is described as “the power or ability to lead other people”(Helmrich). However, the idea of leadership is one that changes from person to person. If a thousand people are asked what their own definition of leadership is, a thousand different answers are likely to be heard. Even though there are a thousand different answers, these definitions will probably share the same overarching ideas, the ideas that leaders are people who use their own skills to help others achieve all they can. Although leadership can be interpreted and implemented in many different ways, the general idea of what a leader is and how they conduct themselves is
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Even though people have many different definitions of leadership, most have the same expectations of what a leader should be.
The role of a leader is to inspire those around them to do what they never thought possible.
Leaders have a vision in mind when trying to get something done. It’s not just the leader that has to play a role in the vision, others do too. To get these others involved in that vision, it takes
“leaders’ ability to motivate and inspire people”(Editorial Team). It takes a strong leader to
Null 2 make an entire group of people buy into what they’re saying. So for a vision to be accomplished or performed, that strong leader must make it powerful enough to make the people fully believe in it.
There are many effective styles of leadership. Leaders throughout history have used different techniques to gain trust and a following. Martin Luther King Jr. was a man who had a profound effect on America and the American people in the 1950s through the 1960s with a role in the Civil Rights Movement that cannot be belittled. King used strong speeches and nonviolent protests to send a message of equality to the world. He established trust in
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She used her personal experiences to convince others to join her on her missions. Harriet Tubman used different forms of leadership than Martin Luther King Jr., but both of these incredible leaders were extremely effective in accomplishing what they needed to for their country.
People also look for similar qualities in their leaders. No one wants to follow someone who is timid and not confident in what they are saying and doing. People want someone with “passion,” “personableness,” “confidence,” and “authenticity”(Bornstein). The way someone carries him or herself greatly affects how powerful of a leader they can be. The
Null 3 ability to connect with the audience on a personal level is a very strong selling point for public leaders. In presidential elections, most candidates take this approach. Many produce ads trying to convince the people of their country that they are just like them, that they are a leader of and for the people. This appeals to the audience in a way that not many other things can. If a common citizen feels like the person talking on their television is just like them and is there for them, then they feel more drawn to supporting them. If the general public feels like they
The Taoist philosopher Lao Tzu put it best when he said, “A leader is best when people barley know he exists, When his work is done, his aim fulfilled, They will say: We did it ourselves.” Often when a person thinks of a leader they think of such great leaders as George Washington, George Patton, and Thomas Jackson. The word “leader” itself will invoke images of die-hard men with the charisma to command anyone and overcome anything. Yet despite this common image there was no theory of leadership that covered this common belief in a “super” leader.
A leader is needed to challenge current thinking, influence a transitional movement and lead a group of people to carry out the new ideas. A good leader is required for others to identify qualities within themselves that closely reflect the thoughts, beliefs and actions of those they choose to follow. Without good leaders there would be no forward motion amongst the human race as there would be no one to take charge and inspire revolutionary events.
The vision of leadership that leaders are born made, and not learn to be leaders is still considered but not popular among researchers (Avolio et al, 2013).
leader is worshiped by their followers and possess specific leadership qualities that allow them to
In order for a leader to be a leader he/she must begin with the assumption that you are the one who matters most. As a leader you have to possess that level of confidence in yourself that you are capable of leading yourself “before you can lead others”. And when you develop this belief then you are better able of affirmative influence “on others”.
Persuading others of your vision requires knowledge and a clear strategy (Business Dictionary). Leadership is a natural quality that comes up as responsibility in exchange of having followers with, in return, the followers creating a leader. Concluding that leadership in general cannot be taught, as per the Trait Theory, we argue that it is different characteristics in different situations that result in good leadership. The Trait Theory points out that there is a certain type of person making a good leader, with the decisive factor being: having or not having distinctive qualities of being a leader. Despite that, being an effective leader still can be trained. External and internal influences impact the effectiveness and must be considered in order to succeed. Which leads us to the Behavioural Theory, thinking of what a good leader actually does. Kurt Lewin developed three leadership types such as the autocratic leader who is a maker, someone who makes decisions without consultation with others. Contrasting, the democratic leader who consults with others (a team, for example) before making a decision. Laissez-faire leaders, as the name already indicates, occasionally lets other people make decisions, doesn’t
Leaders are the individuals who help to create options and opportunities. They help in identifying the choices and solve the problems. They build commitment and coalitions. Leaders do this by inspiring others and working along with them to construct the shared vision of the possibilities and commitments of a better group, organization or community. They engage the followers in such a way that most of the followers become leaders in their own right. The variety of demands of an increasingly complex world very often require that leadership be shared by most of the members of an organization, in appropriate ways for different situations. A leader is the on...
Leadership is the ability of an individual to influence, motivate and inspire others (Gill, 2006). It is therefore defined as a process whereby a leader influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal (Northouse, 2013). A leader has to make a decision for something to happen and provide his followers with clear direction (Rost et al, 1991). It will evoke feelings of challenge, excitement and involvement for the followers to proceed with the task (Gill, 2006).
Some people in the world are leaders and some are followers. Most people would like to be leaders but
Our world has been shaped by people of varying personalities. Yet there are always ones who take the lead and work above the average person. That is not to say they view themselves as higher than others. This is simply to saying that people who take the lead carry responsibilities of helping others and overseeing the progress of groups as a whole. Yes, leaders carry weights that other people don’t usually have to carry. Is added responsibilities of leadership something to admire or something to fear? What is it that makes someone a suitable leader? While one of these questions may be a matter of perspective, the other may be answers through varying theories in the field of phycology today.
To be a leader you need to be able to inspire others, get people motivated, and set an example to other people. A leader needs to do all of these because if one of these aspects fails people don’t look at the leader...
Leadership is trait that is extremely important in any society. Leadership is known as the way people attempting to make a difference in a situation. However, I believe that it is better said to be a way of influencing others actions. Leadership is usually connected to a great leader that affected his or her followers in a dynamic way. Throughout the semester for my leadership class, I have expanded the knowledge in numerous ways. I now have fully understanding of the purpose and process of leadership to a society. Being a leader one must maintain an image of being the role model. I believe that this is leader should be who is someone who has the ability to influence, encourage, listen, and nurture. They are able to inspire, stimulate, persuade, shape, and have an effect on others.
So who defines leadership? What is a leader and how would you raise these skills
For someone to be a good leader, it is essential for him/her to be powerful over the other people (Flemes, 2010). Powerful leaders are always influential over the followers. The ability to manipulate or influence the followers helps the leader in running the organizations smoothly (Flemes, 2010). When a leader is more powerful over the people, he/she also able to give orders and be implemented with no resistance. Conversely, leadership gives people power.
Leaders pour their hearts and souls into their people and their purpose. Leaders are all about their people and their purpose. They invest themselves fully into their