Leadership Power Perspective

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Leadership and Power Perspective
Influencing followers under particular instructions is an essential tool in leadership (Bacon, 2011). One can never be a good leader if he/she is unable to influence or manipulate people in all aspects. Influence of a leader is dependent on various aspects that include their personality and personalities of the subjects. Power is the other main factor that determines the influential leadership (Bacon, 2011). A powerful leader will always have an influence over the people he/she is leading. This study revolves around the aspects of leadership and power and the relationship between power and influence.
Power in simple terms can be described as the ability to influence other people behaviors …show more content…

For someone to be a good leader, it is essential for him/her to be powerful over the other people (Flemes, 2010). Powerful leaders are always influential over the followers. The ability to manipulate or influence the followers helps the leader in running the organizations smoothly (Flemes, 2010). When a leader is more powerful over the people, he/she also able to give orders and be implemented with no resistance. Conversely, leadership gives people power. It is until one is given higher position for instance a managerial position that people consider him/her as powerful (Flemes, 2010). That is, for an organization to run smoothly, a leader must be there to control the people. Therefore, leadership gives people power to control others who are under their …show more content…

People get expert power from knowledge, skills and experiences that they have. When individuals gain experience and skills from certain areas, they become experts in those areas. Their expertise in the particular fields give them power over the other people and hence become leaders (Bertocci, 2009). The second personal power is the referent power that is gained from trust and respect. When people display good conduct, they become trusted and respected by others. This makes to be positioned in high classes in the society (Bertocci,

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