Organizational Power

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Power is the ability to influence the behavior of others. The most important aspect of power is dependence; a person’s power increases if someone is dependent on them, or if they have something the other needs. Some people have power that they don’t use or may not even know they have. Organizations are run by individuals with power. There are five types of power utilized in order to achieve the results and behaviors that align with the goals of an organization. These powers are coercive, reward, legitimate, referent, and expert. Coercive power is one of the most basic types of power in business, and exists when someone in authority threatens a subordinate with punishment for failing to comply with a work related task. This power can be used effectively during stressful times within an organization, such as labor cuts to suit business needs (Johnson, 2014). Reward power is the opposition to coercive power in that it is based on the premise that compliance is driven by reward and recognition. An individual that has the authority to give rewards such as public praise, wage increases,...

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