What Does Having A Driving License Mean To You Essay

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What having your Driving License means to you. Having a driver's license means responsibility. I have always been hesitant to get a license and still am a bit because I know how much responsibility comes with one. Firstly, a car is quite dangerous. When driving a car, mistakes can be very costly, and the driver has to be well trained in order to handle those mistakes, or better yet, not make them. Secondly, there is a lot that goes into owning a car. You have to get it fueled, inspected, and keep good care of it. Having a car is almost like having a pet fish. You don't need to give it full attention, but you need to make sure it doesn't die. There is a lot of responsibility financially as well. You have to pay for things like insurance …show more content…

Since my dad works full time, my mom has to take me and my sister everywhere. Some days, all she does is drive and having someone to share the load or take over completely would help her a lot. My mom also has joint issues in her leg and her doctor ahs told her to drive less, as constant driving is keeping it irritated. Having someone that can take over, so my mom could do other things would be nice, and would allow more things to be done in our household. It would also help me since my sister and I cannot go to different places at the same time. Removing this limitation would open up many previously unavailable spots on my schedule. Having a driver's license means the opportunity to do more. Being in the suburbs, the car is the only timely form of transportation between places. I participate in a few after school activities, and transportation is usually a large issue. I am a part of my school's robotics team, and we work offsite in a larger manufacturing facility. Our larger build site is located in Ashland and is quite a long drive from school and even further from my house. Being able to go there, even when my parents are busy would help the team and give me more things to

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