What Are The Benefits Of Physical Education Essay

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Did you know there is an easy way you can beat stress, lift your mood, fight memory loss, sharpen your intellect, and function better than ever simply by raising your heart rate and breaking a sweat? All throughout our lives we believed the complete opposite, assuming that cutting physical education in accommodation for more study time in science, math and English. As a student growing up we would be considered lucky if we have gym twice a week, and DPA every other day for 20 minutes when there was extra time. If you were one of those students that liked physical education from the beginning you would have to join a team and make the cut. This is going to become a massive problem for our nation if this continues because, statistics …show more content…

Their goal is to run their fastest mile and their average heart rate should be above 185. When two girls came in at Ten twelve the physical education teacher didn’t nag them about fooling around because their average heart rate read 191, which is a serious workout even for a trained athlete. In this case, students are taught how to monitor and maintain their own health and fitness. This will lead them into a longer and healthier lifestyle; children will develop healthy habits, skills and knowledge of how their bodies work. If they train kids this way from a young age they will end up being more active instead of sitting in front of a screen for most of the day. Most students drop out of gym and dislike it because of getting nailed in dodgeball, being filled for not changing or even being afraid of being the last kid picked. Even when we play during gym now we wait more than we move, we aren’t fully moving and engaging in vigorous …show more content…

They have kayaking to rock climbing to square dancing. Not only are they able to stay fit this way, they are taught essential life skills such as the ability to communicate, to work in small groups, the ability to solve any problem that comes their way and to become risk takers (page 25). These basic skills aren 't usually taught in your average math class, where you learn the pythagorean theorem but not how to take a risk and try something new. You get to step out of your comfort zone and once you figure out what you 're good at you become a confident person, for example Jessie with kayaking. Jessie states, “ Even if you 're shy, if somebody is like, Hoe do you do that? you forget that you’re shy, and you just explain it”(page27). Personally I can relate to this because growing up we didn’t do much in gym but I was naturally good at the activities I play. Lets not forget I was a shy child growing up but after realizing I was good at sports it boosted my confidence to the point where I was on pretty much every school team there was. This lead me to became a role model, making my coach put me down as the captain for my volleyball

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