What Are Doctors Appointments

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Doctors Appointments Let's start off by saying I hate needles and I hate doctor offices yet I want to be in the medical field. My physical didn't go so great because they told me I was getting a shot. Not only did i cry my soul out but I had to get stabbed with the death needle twice. The morning of my appointment I was already dreading it. Nothing was going right not only did I wake up late but i dressed in sweats a t shirt and a lopsided bun when it was about ninety degrees outside. I had a reputation to uphold so that was social suicide and you can only imagine how many laughs in the hallways i got. I was nervous the whole day my hands were very clammy and sticky I was as white as Edward Cullen. My friends would ask me what was wrong but all i could think about is my fear of needles. I was on the edge the whole day and even the doors closing would startle me. When i say fear I'm deathly afraid of shots, I will throw a tantrum worse than my five year old brother and I will cry so loud everyone will go deaf, but i'm eighteen I swear I am. …show more content…

Stealing a freshman's bike was a choice but there were no freshman in sight and my mom honked to let me know she was there. I made up so many excuses from I have a lot of homework to my goldfish is depressed, I don't have a goldfish. It was a car ride I describe as a car ride to

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