Volleyball: More Than Just A Sport

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Volleyball has been more than just a sport to me. It has taught me to be more discipline, manage my time wisely, and be a leader. Although, I know that I won’t be a professional volleyball player in the future, I enjoy playing it daily as an after school sport and hobby.
My interest for the sport started at the age of 10, while sitting on the bleachers watching a match of volleyball. My sister used to be part of the Wilbur Cross Volleyball Team and by watching her play I realized that I loved the game. Immediately, I joined a club where I learned most of the skills and rules to play. Each week I started to notice that I was getting better and better and all I wanted to do was show my coach my improvements. After two years, I was able to serve from the serving line, bump to a setter and know my rotations. I took actions into my own hands by joining the club and practicing at home just so I could be ready to join the Wilbur Cross Volleyball Team. …show more content…

All my effort and hard work had paid off when I was named captain that year. Being captain taught me how to be a leader and ways that I could help my teammates out when they needed it with things like the rotation, serving or spiking which I was good at. But being captain also comes with responsibilities. I had to become more disciplined than I was already. I had to go to practice and all the games punctually, keep a positive attitude, always cheer on my teammates and have a good communication with my coach and referee while on the court. Even when things didn’t go like I wanted them to, I knew that I couldn’t take my frustration out on my teammates or anyone else. But out of all this things mentioned above, my most important responsibility was learning how to manage my time wisely. I had to keep a balance between my school work and volleyball. As a result, I managed to remain captain and still get good grades all this

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