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Vitamin d quizlet
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I. General Information:
1. The history of the nutrient:
Since ancient times vitamin D has been the predominant cause of bone deficiencies.1 However, it was not in till the seventeenth century when both Dr. Daniel Whistler and Professor Francis Glisson made the first scientific description of a vitamin D deficiency.2 During the mid-seventeenth century there was an increase amount of children that were diagnosed with the bone disease called rickets.2 The cause of the rickets was determined to be associated to the lack of sunlight. A German researcher Kurt Huldschinsky came to the conclusion that when infants were exposed to ultraviolet light rays they became cured of rickets2. He stated that a substance in the skin was the potential source of the cure.2 In 1922, American scientist Elmer McCollum proved that when cod liver oil was heated; the beneficial effects of vitamin A in the oil were reduced.2 However, the oil remained effective in curing rickets leading McCollum to reason that a nutrient different from vitamin A was present in the oil. As a result, he named this nutrient vitamin D, which became the fourth vitamin to be discovered and named.2 Additionally, shortly after 1918, vitamin D was also discovered by an accidental experiment that included a group of scientists curing dogs affected with rickets by feeding cod liver oil to them.1
2. The chemical characteristics and qualities of the nutrient
• Vitamin D2 (cholecalciferol) originates from the yeast and plant sterol, ergosterol.3
• Vitamin D3 (ergocalciferol) originates from 7-dehydrocholesterol, a precursor of cholesterol when synthesized in the skin.3
• Vitamin D is derived from a steroid; the structure retains its numbering from the parent compound cholesterol.3
• Name o...
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...a casein-free diet was 19.9ng⁄mL, for participants not on a casein-free diet it was 19.6ng⁄mL, and for controls it was 17ng⁄mL. There were no differences in the measurements of 25 (OH) D in all groups. About sixty-one percent, fifty-four children, had concentrations of less than 20ng⁄mL. This is the minimum concentration recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics to ensure good bone health. These children could be at risk for problems associated with vitamin D deficiency. This includes concerns with bone health and calcium and phosphorus metabolism. Children with autism spectrum disorder are limited to what activities they can do and usually are not exposed to much sunlight causing them to be at a greater risk. Understanding the needs and taking preventive measures for children with autism will help reduce the risk of health problems as they enter adulthood.
Her findings from this research was praised as she concluded that small supplementary feeding with fruits, milk and wheat germ improved the growth of school children. She also found out that the over dosage of Vitamin D produced brittle bones and calcification of soft tissues. If that wasn’t enough, she continued her extensive research and showed that pantothenic acid is essential for normal pigmentation of hair and skin. Lastly she was intelligent enough to prove that the bone density of woman decreased between 50 and 65 years of
Vitamin D deficiency has become a key factor in predicting cardiovascular risk factors such as metabolic syndrome, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and obesity. It is also a predictive factor of inflammation and fibrosis. All the key elements required for vitamin D function and metabolism e.g. vitamin D receptor and the two enzymes 1-alpha-hydroxylase and 24-hydroxylase are also present in the heart. Vitamin D could be involved in the pathogenesis of cardiovascular disease by exerting regulatory roles in vascular inflammation, proliferation and calcification, renin-angiotensin aldosterone system, myocardial fibrosis and cardiomyocyte proliferation. The effect of the sunshine vitamin on myocytes could reinforce its role as an important preventive or therapeutic agent. Results of studies indicate that vitamin D can improve myocytes differentiation alongside with decreasing cell proliferation which is one of the main elements contributing to plaque formation.
The body can manufacture only vitamin D; all others must be derived from the diet. Lack of them causes a wide range of metabolic and other dysfunctions. In the U.S., since 1940, the Food and Nutrition Board of the National Research Council has published recommended dietary allowances (RDA) for vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients.
The big picture. Where the two schools of medicine differ is in philosophy. Doctors of osteopathy "treat people, not just symptoms," says Karen Nichols, dean of the Chicago College of Osteopathic Medicine. "The course list looks exactly the same, but the M.D.'s focus is on discrete organs. The osteopathic focus is that all of those pieces are interrelated. You can't affect one with out affecting another." That means paying more than simple lip service to the idea of the "whole" patient: It means that diagnosis and treatment rely on an examination of a person's environment and family and general situation as well as his or her body. Not surprisingly, about 65 percent of the nation's 52,000 licensed osteopaths (by comparison, the country boasts at least 900,000 M.D.'s) are primary-care physicians. The American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine has a description of osteopathic training, as well as short profiles of 20 schools, at www.aacom.org. The D.O. programs and their contact information are listed in the directory section of this book.
SCURVY--caused by a lack of vitamin C--also affects bone tissues. A study in the late 1980s indicated that the mineral boron is nutritionally important, as well. Apparently, it reduces loss of the bone minerals
Rickets is a bone disorder found in children that causes the bones to soften and weaken before the fusion of the growth plate. The adult version of this disease is called osteomalacia. In both adults and children it is caused by a long term and extreme vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D allows for calcium and phosphorous to be absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract which is necessary for bones to have their mechanical properties. In children Rickets can result in bone pain, slow growth, increase risk of fractures and bone deformities, such as scoliosis, bowed legs, and thickening of the ankles, wrists, and knees.
Rickets is a bone disease that occurs in children as a result of a Vitamin D deficiency. This disease, which was nearly eradicated in the early 20th century, has become a re-emerging health concern for various countries in the past ten years. Certain factors such as poor nutrition as a result of low socioeconomic status or high concentrations of melanin in the skin can increase the chances of getting rickets. Sufficient Vitamin D levels are crucial to the functioning of the body, especially in the absorption of calcium. This essay will examine the causes, symptoms, pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment of rickets; as well as the importance of Vitamin D and calcium in the prevention and treatment of this disease.
In 1912 Hopkins and Funk made a hypothesis. The hypothesis stated the absence of some vitamins could cause diseases such as beriberi and scurvy. Later a letter was assigned to each vitamin. The letters which were assigned to vitamins in the early years of vitamin research categoriz...
Vitamin D can often be obtained with two different methods. The main method is the conversion of 7-dehydrocholesterol in the skin into Vitamin D3 via sun exposure to absorb ultraviolet B radiation with a wavelength of 290-315nm (Holick 2007). The other method, is through consumption in diets through plants in the form of Vitamin D2; or fatty fishes, supplements or fortified vitamin D products in the form of Vitamin D3 (Lavie, Lee & Milani 2011). Vitamin D undergoes hydroxylation twice; first with the enzyme 25-hydroxylase to form 25-hydroxyvitamin D (Calcidiol) (Al Mheid et al. 2013). Then, Calcidiol is converted to the most active form of Vitamin D, 1,25-dihidroxyvitamin D Hormone (Calcitriol) with the help of renal 1--hydroxylase in the kidney (Al Mheid et al. 2013). Vitamin D2 and D3 are relatively similar since share the same hydroxylation pathway to produce Calcitriol (Tripkovic 2013), however, D3 has shown to have a greater influence on Calcidiol levels and thus more effective in maintaining Vitamin D health (Heaney et al. 2011).
Each child on the Autism Spectrum has a different chemical makeup, thereby, certain foods and vitamins affect each child differently. One child may respond well to the diet's vitamins, although for another, it may increase aggressive behavior. While others see an increase, over time, it steadily decreases; others may plateau to the point of the behavior entirely diminishing. Although some children do benefit from this diet, other children have significant changes in behavior or personality, and may even gain or lose weight. If you are thinking of putting your child on a diet or on vitamin therapy, consult with a nutritionist before starting therapy.
Vitamin D is a necessary component for calcium absorption to prevent boss loss. Nutritionally our body can create vitamin D by sun exposure however many factors can prevent our bodies to create vitamin D such as using sunblock or not getting enough sun exposer from daily routine. Vitamin D can be found in many foods that we such as milk including almond milk, eggs yolks, saltwater fish, and liver. Other vitamins that can help prevent bone loss are vitamin A and C. Vitamin C is an antioxidant which helps reduce oxidative stress which can have a negative effect on the cells in the body. This helps protect against inflammation which takes away calcium from the bones. Vitamin C can be found in many foods such as papaya, bell peppers, broccoli, Brussel sprouts, strawberries, pineapples, oranges and kiwifruit and fruit juices have supplement vitamins. Vitamin A is important for bone growth, vision, cell division and cell differentiation. There are two different forms of vitamin A are retinol and beta-carotene. Retinol can be found in meat, poultry, fish and dairy products while beta-carotene can be found in fruits, vegetables and
Vitamins, a group of organic substances required in our diets in small amounts for growth and nutrition, are usually found in foodstuffs or taken as supplements. Yet vitamins probably present a wider gap between myth and reality in the layman's understanding than almost any other area of our diet. Surveys have found that while a majority of Americans do take vitamin supplements on a regular or occasional basis for reason of health concerns, there exists enormous confusion about the actual purpose and benefits of this practice ("Use of Vitamin and Mineral Supplements in the United States," 1990:161). Most people have a recognition that Vitamin C prevents scurvy, that Vitamin A is found in fish-liver oils, or that Vitamin D is found in dairy products; many people believe that Vitamin E preserves youth and prevents sterility, or that Vitamin C can present colds and cancer. Beyond this, however, there is still considerable ignorance and widespread myth.
The Best Solution for Osteomalacia After a lot of research and study, I personally think that in treating osteomalacia, it is best to undergo Oral Calciferol, which is the treatment used to cure osteomalacia from vitamin D disorder and deficiencies. Oral calciferol is the treatment in which the patients has to take in vitamin D supplements. There are two different ways in doing so, firstly, by injection. Secondly, by consuming the vitamin D as a medicine, in liquids or tablets. For injection, the vitamin D will terminate for about six months with a single small of injection.
Vitamins are defined as substances individuals need to grow and develop normally. There are 13 major vitamins which are: vitamin A, B vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, and vitamin K. Each vitamin is either water soluble or fat soluble, and they are found in different food sources. Water soluble vitamins are capable of dissolving in water, while fat soluble vitamins can be dissolved by fat. Vitamins are not only found in food sources, but they may also be bought as dietary supplements for individuals who may have some sort of deficiency (CITE).
Tocopherols and tocotrienols are two classes of chemical compounds that have vitamin E activity. Vitamin E is made up of four tocopherols and four tocotrienols. Each of the compounds appear in alpha- beta- gamma- and delta- forms. The different forms of vitamin E have individual levels of biological activity and can be found in different increments in various foods and supplements [1].