Vitamin D plays an integral role in multiple systems in the human body, from its function in Calcium and Phosphorus metabolism, to modulation of the immune and reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases (Grober et al. 2013). Unfortunately, factors such as diet, geographic position, and skin pigmentation are contributing to an increase of prevalence of Vitamin D deficiency around the world, consequently leading to a higher rate of associated illnesses. Namely, Cardiovascular Diseases such as Coronary
Vitamin D and its role in cardiovascular disease Vitamin D has been established as an antirachitic for over 80 years and its effects on calcium and bone metabolism have been the main focus for the majority of its research years. Despite the countless medical advances of recent years, there has been a resurgence of vitamin D deficiency around the globe. Largely due to insufficient sunlight exposure, many individuals nowadays are suffering from cardiovascular diseases which could be attributed to hypovitaminosis
Full Description of the Nutrient: Vitamin D, also known as the “sunshine vitamin” because it can be made naturally by the human body when exposed to the sun, is a fat-soluble nutrient that absorbs calcium and works with it to improve overall health and to build strong, healthy bones. It is important in making sure that the lungs, muscles, heart, and brain work well and that the body is capable of fighting off infections. In addition to maintaining your health, vitamin D also allows for nerves to carry
I. General Information: 1. The history of the nutrient: Since ancient times vitamin D has been the predominant cause of bone deficiencies.1 However, it was not in till the seventeenth century when both Dr. Daniel Whistler and Professor Francis Glisson made the first scientific description of a vitamin D deficiency.2 During the mid-seventeenth century there was an increase amount of children that were diagnosed with the bone disease called rickets.2 The cause of the rickets was determined to be associated
within the body and from that how they can influence the body’s ability to perform while under duress. An example of such would be the stress of athletic performance. Vitamin D, which is also referred to as cholecalciferol, is one of the fat soluble vitamins that have been attributed to influencing athletic performance. However, vitamin D is not as much a “performance enhancing” nutrient in the sense that when taken in higher amounts it will aid athletic performance, but rather when in deficient amounts
exist, and it’s called vitamin D. Deficiency Vitamin D deficiency is one of the fastest growing epidemics in the world today. Approximately 75 percent of U.S. teens and adults have low vitamin D levels. Some experts are attributing the high percentage of vitamin D deficiency to the increased use of sunscreen and long sleeve shirts after recent skin cancer-prevention campaigns… But a person does not have to tan or sunburn in order to get vitamin D. (Lite 1) Deficiency in vitamin D occurs when a person
Background Vitamin D deficiency is a widespread health problem, affecting up to 1 billion people worldwide.[1] It has gained increasing recognition in the developing world, including Sub- Saharan Africa (SSA) where sunshine prevails all year round.[2–4] Previous studies in SSA have found widely varying prevalence of vitamin D deficiency, affecting 9-49% of the normal population in a region well endowed with round the year sunshine.[5–7] Cultural norms, religious practices, skin pigmentation, malnutrition
Vitamin D (Calciferol) is a fat soluble steroid prohormone that was first identified as a vitamin in the 20th century (Holicks, et al, 2011 ). It has two major forms- D2(ergocalciferol) and D3 (cholecalciferol) (Holicks et al, 2011, BMJ). The sources of vitamin D in human include sunlight (80-90%) and dietary source (10-20%) (Mithal et al, 2009). Dietary sources of vitamin D includes – salmon, canned fishes (sardines, tuna, mackerel) , cod liver oil, shitake mushroom, egg yolk, fortified mils and
An important player in calcium absorption is Vitamin D, more specifically in the intestine calcium absorption. Vitamin D in calcitriol form was historically limited to muscle tissue of bones, the kidneys, and the intestine. However, it is now know that calcitriol plays an important roll is other tissue function such as the brain, heart, skin, colon, central nervous system, and pancreas, when receptors were found on these tissues as well. Vitamin D can be obtained in a multitude of ways such as
Vitamin D deficiency: In the event that you avoid the sun, experience the ill effects of milk anaphylaxes, or stick to a strict veggie lover diet, you may be at danger for vitamin D inadequacy. Known as the daylight vitamin, vitamin D is transformed by the body because of daylight. It is additionally happens characteristically in a couple of sustenance’s including some fish, fish liver oils, and egg yolks - and in sustained dairy and grain items. Vitamin D is key for solid bones on the grounds that
Vitamin D is an important fat-soluble vitamin which has substantial roles in calcium and phosphorus metabolism and healthy skeleton [1]. It also plays variant non-muscular functions in different body systems as well [2,3]. The threshold level of serum 25-OHD of 30 ng/ mL (75 nmol/L) is suggested to avoid complications of hypovitaminosis D. However, the optimal level is still debatable. The Endocrine Society's Clinical Guidelines suggested that vitamin D deficiency is defined as a serum 25 hydroxyvitamin
Vitamin D is one of the essential nutrients that we need in our bodies and what makes us healthy. Vitamin D's functions in the body by digesting calcium, which both calcium and vitamin D can keep bones and strong and healthy, and constrain the release of parathyroid hormone. This hormone consumes bone tissue, which provides the bones thin and fragile. Also, vitamin D can enact as a role in muscle formation and the immune system, which the immune system can prevent illnesses and fight off infections
Vitamin D deficiency has become a key factor in predicting cardiovascular risk factors such as metabolic syndrome, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and obesity. It is also a predictive factor of inflammation and fibrosis. All the key elements required for vitamin D function and metabolism e.g. vitamin D receptor and the two enzymes 1-alpha-hydroxylase and 24-hydroxylase are also present in the heart. Vitamin D could be involved in the pathogenesis of cardiovascular disease by exerting regulatory
outside raises the level of Vitamin D in your body. (National Wildlife Federation, 2013) 1. Vitamin D is essential for the immune system (National Wildlife Federation,2013) 2. Protects Children: If vitamin D level is sufficient, lowers risk of bone problems, heart disease, and diabetes. (National Wildlife Federation,2013) 3. Vitamin D helps absorb calcium, which develops and maintains strong bones 4. Vitamin D deficiency is a risk factor for heart attacks 5. Vitamin D helps improve the sensitivity
positive impact on people’s moods and attitudes. 2. VITAMIN D ENERGY-Furthermore, warmer climate can contribute to a healthier lifestyle in many ways. A human’s Vitamin D levels are affected by how much time spent in the sun. Vitamin D is a nutrient received from the sun. Vitamin D provides higher levels of energy. “The sun is the first and primary source of Vitamin D in our bodies,” says Doctor Nicolas Campos from Los Angeles, California. 3. VITAMIN D CANCER-One of the reasons people avoid the sun is
Hyperparathyroidism is a disorder that results from an excess of parathyroid hormone in the bloodstream due to one or more of the body's four parathyroid glands being overactive. These glands are small and oval shaped and are located in the neck. The parathyroid hormones produced by the parathyroid glands help to maintain an acceptable balance of calcium in the bloodstream and in tissues that depend on calcium for proper functioning. There are two forms of hyperparathyroidism (HPT): primary HPT and
The definition of rickets: a disease mainly of children, characterized by softening of developing bone, malnutrition, and enlargement of the liver and spleen, caused by a lack of vitamin D, causing led bones to bend and other symptoms What was believed about the disease in the past: Greek physician Soranus of Ephusus, found deformation in infants bones as early as the first and second century AD. In the 1850s most medical men agreed the disease had something to go with dirty skin inpure air and
However, the biggest positive to tanning beds is the ability to increase Vitamin D production. Vitamin D can be produced after the body is exposed to sunlight and is known as the “sunshine vitamin.” Vitamin D plays a role in many normal body functions including regulation of cell growth, bone formation, immune function, muscle strength, hair growth, fighting infections and reducing risks of autoimmune diseases. Vitamin D helps maintain normal blood levels of calcium and phosphorus by absorbing calcium
usually occurs when there is a vitamin D deficiency in the body (MC 2015). The skeletal system needs vitamin D to help the bones absorb calcium and keep them strong. Vitamin D can be found in dairies like milk, eggs and breakfast cereals and most importantly, vitamin D can also be produced by UV rays which are only given off by the sun. If the body is not exposed to sunlight like people who live in northern latitudes, the body has a hard time producing its own vitamin D and leads to the softening of
"When I was a kid, I spent my suburban summer days exploring the nooks and crannies of my backyard, roaming the woods with my siblings and friends and riding my bike on long expeditions. "Be home when the street lights come on," was the general rule Mom gave us. The outdoors was our second home, where we played, lived and learned." (Cindy Crosby 1). Cindy Crosby’s childhood differed tremendously from anything a child might experience today. As improving technology allows for more leisure and lethargy