Agnes Fay Morgan is known for many things, but most importantly she is honored and praised for her accomplishments within the field of chemistry and biochemistry. Born in 1884, she was the third of four children to an Irish immigrant and was born in Peoria, Illinois. Her family consisted of two boys and two girls, where ironically, both boys didn’t attend college and both females did. Due to Agnes’s exceptional grades and limitless possibilities, she was offered a full college scholarship by a local benefactor and enrolled at Vassar College. She then continued her education by transferring to the University of Chicago where she earned both her BS degree and her MS degree in chemistry. Once obtaining this degree she decided to teach chemistry in Montana and …show more content…
Agnes was, “the first to demonstrate that a commonly used food preservative, sulfur dioxide, had a protective effect on vitamin C and a damaging effect on thiamin (King)”. She learned this by studying the vitamin content of many important California-grown foods, wheat, almonds, and walnuts, and the effects of processing them. She also was extremely interested in developing the conclusion of why there were so many low weight (underweight) children, and what the cause was driven from. Her findings from this research was praised as she concluded that small supplementary feeding with fruits, milk and wheat germ improved the growth of school children. She also found out that the over dosage of Vitamin D produced brittle bones and calcification of soft tissues. If that wasn’t enough, she continued her extensive research and showed that pantothenic acid is essential for normal pigmentation of hair and skin. Lastly she was intelligent enough to prove that the bone density of woman decreased between 50 and 65 years of
In the 1993 case of the CDC, they found that the number of cases avoided was estimated at 116 NTD- affected births per year. While the University of California study of 1995 estimated that, the number of cases avoided was estimated at 304 NTD per year. Furthermore, both cases found there to be a substantial economic benefit with the fortification of folic acid. The CDC included a benefit of $5 million per avoided case while the University of California estimated there to be a benefit of $342,500. On of the major differences between the two studies and their values includes the fact the University took into account the loss of productivity. Along with this, I find that the time in which the studies occurred played a role. I noticed that the University estimated there to be substantially more prevented cases than the CDC’s prediction. I find that the difference between the two studies could be due to the fact the University of California’s study come out after the FDA’s decision to mandate the fortification of folic acid in cereal products and that there may have been more accurate research or
11. Following her recovery, Margaret was placed on three medications: (A) oral calcium supplementation, (B) oral estrogen, and (C) oral alendronate sodium (Fosamax). Specifically describe how each of these medications works to treat Margaret’s condition. Oral calcium is given to Margaret to help with the loss of bone tissue and to help with the aid of forming stronger bone tissue. Oral estrogen is for to help make up for the loss of estrogen deficiency in her body due to menopause and this drug also helps to prevent weakened bones and due to the lack of activity Margert is accustomed to this will be beneficial for her. Oral alendronate sodium is for an inhibitor to help with bone reabsorption of
Washburn had a very intelligent mind and attended many college universities. She started at Vassar College where her main focus was French and Chemistry. Five years later
“ Whatever brings you down, will eventually make you stronger”( Alex Morgan). Alexandra Patricia Morgan was born in Diamond Bar, California on July 2, 1989. When she was a little girl, Alexandra was given the nickname of Alex and (baby horse because she was fast), which was used throughout her whole life (Fishman, Jon 10). Ever since a young age, Alex has been very competitive. For example, when Alex was about three years old, she would sit in the corner playing Monopoly by herself so that she could get better and win when she played against her siblings, even though she didn’t know how to play (Becoming Alex Morgan). With Alex and her competitive attitude, she was very athletic and always wanted to be the best at everything (Becoming Alex Morgan). At around the age of eight, Alex wanted to go to the Olympics one day for the sport of soccer which she began the really progress at (Fishman, Jon 11). At the age of fourteen, Alex got serious about soccer and went from playing AYSO, Recreational soccer meaning it was
Food science has led to find cures for diseases such as scurvy. Scurvy is a disease caused by a deficiency of vitamin C, characterized by swollen bleeding gums and the opening of previously healed wounds, which particularly affected poorly nourished sailors until the end of the 18th century. This disease was very common among sailors because in the 18th century they didn’t have refrigerators, so their diets lacked perishable foods while sailing the sea. Today, if you come across this problem you can just eat a vitamin C tablet. This is just one of the many examples food science has promoted a balanced diet by the study of nutrients in our food.
In 2011, the University Of Minnesota took women who take vitamins daily and studied them(Offit, Paul., 2013). The result was the same in that there was no supporting evidence that favors Pauling’s claims and statements. In conclusion, the general public believed the words of a man who had no specific evidence to support his own claims over researches done by trusted establishments who had evidence towards their own claims against Linus Pauling. Vitamin D is essential in many aspects especially during growth periods such as adolescents and infancy as indicated by Winston Koo and Nitin Walyat who are the respective authors of “Vitamin D and Skeletal Growth and Development”. Vitamin D is essential for the body as it helps development organ cells; without the development of organ cells, the body cannot fight against harsh diseases and it will eventually cause severe diseases which can lead to delayed growth rate(Koo, Winston ., 2013, p.188).. Children who drink breast milk are more prone to vitamin D deficiency because breast milk does not contain as many vitamins as mineral (Koo,
Roscher, Nina M., and Cavanaugh, Margaret A. (1987). "Academic Women Chemists in the 20th Century: Past, Present, Projections." Journal of Chemical Education 64:823-827.
Now, when considering one wants to prevent or treat Osteoporosis, it does not mean to cut yourself off of foods with small portions or extreme dieting. It is a common misconception that when a person wants to be healthy they must eat in smaller portions, and while this does have some truth, one must consider when it comes to eating healthy, it means to eat healthy by adding nutritious portions of fruits, vegetables, protein, carbs, and of course, calcium intake for the bones in one’s diet. Also, one must not deprive themselves of having a “cheat day” once a week with chips and candy. But it is a good start to begin adding calcium fortified foods and supplements, such as milk. People should at least aim for 1,000 to 1,200 milligrams a day of calcium. Low-fat cheese, milk, yogurt, orange juice, graham crackers, and calcium supplements are a beneficial contribution in accessing calcium to the body (Vander, 2003). Of course, Osteoporosis develops during old age, due to the gradual decline in exercising, calcium in bones, and weight loss. However, Osteoporosis is also genetically found in some people with a long history of family members who have had bone fractures. Also, many factors affect and can cause Osteoporosis and one of them is smoking. Because smokers have poor lungs, it can be difficult to exercise. Another is not going out too much,
Since ancient times vitamin D has been the predominant cause of bone deficiencies.1 However, it was not in till the seventeenth century when both Dr. Daniel Whistler and Professor Francis Glisson made the first scientific description of a vitamin D deficiency.2 During the mid-seventeenth century there was an increase amount of children that were diagnosed with the bone disease called rickets.2 The cause of the rickets was determined to be associated to the lack of sunlight. A German researcher Kurt Huldschinsky came to the conclusion that when infants were exposed to ultraviolet light rays they became cured of rickets2. He stated that a substance in the skin was the potential source of the cure.2 In 1922, American scientist Elmer McCollum proved that when cod liver oil was heated; the beneficial effects of vitamin A in the oil were reduced.2 However, the oil remained effective in curing rickets leading McCollum to reason that a nutrient different from vitamin A was present in the oil. As a result, he named this nutrient vitamin D, which became the fourth vitamin to be discovered and named.2 Additionally, shortly after 1918, vitamin D was also discovered by an accidental experiment that included a group of scientists curing dogs affected with rickets by feeding cod liver oil to them.1
Wardlaw, G.M. and Smith. Contemporary Nutrition: Issues and Insights. 5th Edition. Boston: McGraw-Hill, pp 85, 2004.
Since 1916, the United States Department of Agriculture (the government agency responsible for all U.S. policy regarding agriculture, food, and farming) has revised their recommendations several times. Unfortunately, money talks and the USDA’s recommendations are based on outdated science and are influenced by people with business interest. Even so, its recommendations are considered almost “holy” by physicians, nutritionists, and dieters, but in reality, they are the root cause of the problem. A single visit to our local public school cafeteria and it will become clear that they do not have the best interests of the children at heart. What they are feeding our innocent children is preposterous. Doctors, the people we trust and expect to be “the experts”, do not know much about the subject of nutrition. A vast majority of medical schools in the U.S. require just 25-30 hours or less of nutrition training, and some do not require at all. So doctors must rely on the ...
SCURVY--caused by a lack of vitamin C--also affects bone tissues. A study in the late 1980s indicated that the mineral boron is nutritionally important, as well. Apparently, it reduces loss of the bone minerals
Rickets is a bone disease that occurs in children as a result of a Vitamin D deficiency. This disease, which was nearly eradicated in the early 20th century, has become a re-emerging health concern for various countries in the past ten years. Certain factors such as poor nutrition as a result of low socioeconomic status or high concentrations of melanin in the skin can increase the chances of getting rickets. Sufficient Vitamin D levels are crucial to the functioning of the body, especially in the absorption of calcium. This essay will examine the causes, symptoms, pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment of rickets; as well as the importance of Vitamin D and calcium in the prevention and treatment of this disease.
"Global Dietary Changes Threaten Health." World Health Federation. Medtronic Foundation, n.d. Web. 30 Nov. 2013. .
In LK Mahan et al., eds., Krause's Food and the Nutrition Care Process, 13th ed., pp.