Visual Elements Of Existentialism In Run Lola Run

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Poe demonstrates multiple visual elements of determination from the characterisation of the protagonist of the text. This is shown with us seeing what is the protagonist is being portrayed when Prospero saw the Red Death as a figure on the Masquerade Ball after it strikes a victim. Poe uses emotive language and dominant tone of “seize him… we may know whom we have to hang…” that as the audience, we see Prospero as a leader in decision marking in his determination of defeating the Red Death. With giving us the characterisation of protagonist of the short story, we see how literary elements of distinctively visuals can fascinate us about determination. In order for the composer to represent existentialism, the audience must examine how determination shows us that we can control our destiny through cinematographic visual aspects. Throughout Tykwer’s film, he showcased Lola’s determination from the amalgamation of animation and live action using a pastiche of animated Lola running down stairs to a close up shot of her face. With the close up shot of animated Lola’s face, the facial expression of determination encapsulates how we are fascinated by Lola for her determination to change destiny for herself. Tykwer uses cinematographic elements to represent existentialism in how we can control our destiny through determination. …show more content…

In ‘Run Lola Run’, the prologue introduces various quotes including TS Elliot’s “We shall not cease from exploration….and the end of all our exploring… and know place for the first time” in a white coloured font. The contrast between the black background and the white text reinforced how it stands out its message to us with applies to the tripartite nature of the film. As the film progresses, fates lies on how the protagonist continued to change the nature of time in her ability to change fate which Tykwer represents in distinctively

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