Violent Game Stereotypes

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One big trend teens love right now is playing violent games. The action and thrill keep kids hooked for hours. But, is this really a healthy thing for kids to be doing? Studies have shown that playing violent games is perilous for teens. One main reason why these games are bad, is because it teaches them that violence is acceptable. Playing these types of games that reinforces you to hurt others teaches kids that it is okay. Others argue that playing violent games are a harmless escape for teens. But that isn’t the case. While there are ways that these games can relieve stress, they are still releasing stress in a negative way. The last main reason why these games are dangerous for kids is that these violent games promote bullying. The way these games target certain types of people, teaches kids that it is okay to hurt others of that stereotype. Overall, all this shows how teens playing violent games is perilous.

To start off with, one of the main reasons why these games are perilous for teens is that it engraves …show more content…

As an example, in the article Shoot Out it talks about how the judge of this water pistol shooting game creates a pie chart of death. This chart contains the order of killing assignments for each team so they know which people to target and kill. When war games like this one, target certain people as their prey, it engraves into peoples their minds that it is okay to do the same. As another example also in the article Shoot Out it talks about how these killing teams play to kill for the money that is their reward. The more kills they’ve got from their pie chart, the better chance they have of winning the jackpot. When these types of games involve some short of reward for killing certain person or persons, it promotes the hurting of these certain stereotypes. All this evidence shows how their are too many negative effects to kids playing violent

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