College is around the corner and that means everyone should have their mind set out on which college they want to go to and what major they are interested in. However, they do not necessarily know what they are getting themselves into on how college will really be like. Nor do they know if their academic skills will help them out in the real world. Unfortunately, I am one of those people; not knowing what to expect in the near future and unaware if I am ready to handle myself out in the real world. However, I want to change that and transition my mind from not having a single clue to being prepared on tackling obstacles over the years. With Upward Bound, this can give me a proper glimpse of what to expect as I enter into college. In less than two years, I will be graduating soon with little to no knowledge on how my dream college will be like. From how to manage my classes to being financially stable for the next four years. That can be difficult, especially for someone who is going to be independent throughout their life and might go to school away from home so they will not get the financial or emotional support they need. Despite that, Upward Bound can give me a preview of what it is like to be independent. It can train me to be properly prepared with a college mindset instead of having that mindset that is still in high school. I can gain a bachelors, possibly a masters, degree as I go to college. Having a bachelors or masters degree gives me not just a sense of accomplishment by making my family proud, but also a feeling of accomplishment of how far I overcame to reach that degree. But all of this would not happen if it were not the help of this program that will soon become the backbone on living a better
When I first came to college, I did not have a solid idea of what the experience would be like, but I was excited for this new chapter in my life. I enrolled in courses I though I would excel in but a couple of weeks into the quarter, I felt unprepared for the fast-paced courses that I seemed to be struggling in but that my peers seem to of been excelling in. Early on this cause me some hardships suddenly I did not feel that I was as smart or accomplished as they were. As a result of this my grades in my courses suffered early on. As time progressed, I became friends with a group of people who were also in my similar situation, they were first-generation college students, students, this great support network of students allowed me to gain more confidence in my academic ability and with the help of my lab work, I began to see that I could excel in college.
...and ultimately the development of each and every student who needs to be taught how to be productive members of society who do not have to rely on outside influence, but can be independent adults when they graduate.
Achieving the American Dream has been the ideal for people living in the United States for decades. People believed that the way to get there was through hard work, also known as the “Protestant work ethic”. The American Dream can vary depending on the person. Some people think that owning a house with a white picket-fence is the American Dream while others think that it is becoming a celebrity with a lot of money.
The Early College Program will help me obtain skills that I will be able to use for the rest of my life. Skills such as time management, good work ethic, and self-discipline. The Early College Program will help me better develop my time management skills because I will have to juggle the work from my regular classes plus college classes and maybe even a part time job.
College. Educational benefits that can help a person succeed in the vast majority of life’s careers. When I think of college, I think of hard work. I think of the dedication it takes to achieve a universal goal. Graduate with a degree that will further help to apply for a desired job. The course to get there may not be easy, but when the rich feeling of obtaining a diploma is near, it is more than worth the time. My road to success with college may differ from the average student. See, I am currently enlisted in the United States Air Force. To better understand my goals of college, one could look at the time and money it will take for me to graduate, how college benefits me, and more specifically, how English composition will better my future.
Since I grew up in a household with two parents who are college graduates, and even two grandparents who had graduated from college, the idea of attending college was never seen as a unique opportunity, but rather as a necessary part of my future. I’m not going to complain about growing up with parents who valued the pursuit of knowledge, but it certainly never exposed me to the mindset that maybe college is not the best option for everyone after high school. Today, there is a huge debate over if the price of college is really worth it in the end, with the high cost of tuition and the number of people who just aren’t prepared for the demands that college has to offer. And on the other side, some say that college is a necessity not just in one’s
After years of education from K-12 there is still the question if a high school senior is academically prepared for college. Furthermore, it may be understandable for a concerned parent to pose this question but what about the student? In a survey of W.VA seniors, MMM MMM points out that “12.4 percent of survey respondents said they felt ‘very prepared’ for college, while . . . 10.7 percent felt they were ‘not prepared at all” (8). In these long years of education we expect students to be ready, but what does it mean to be ready for college? Needless to say, there is an issue with high school students being prepared for college. But in order to classify someone as being ready for college or not we have to come to a common understanding of what it means. A student that needs to take additional education to have the knowledge to be prosperous is not considered college ready (What Does College and Career Readiness Mean). When a High school senior leaves home and goes off to college he/she should have the potential to make all A’s throughout college. A student is college ready when he/she has acquired characteristics and skills from K-12, which include time management, perseverance, a drive to become successful, and a working knowledge of basic subjects: these can be reflected through, but not limited to, standardized test and the individuals GPA.
After my first few months of college, I realized I enjoy being a college student much more than I enjoyed being a high school student. However, the transition between the two extremely diverse worlds, was challenging at first, I found out how to overcome it. Originally, I couldn’t realize how different the two were, but as time went on, I was about to notice the differences. Not everyone is able to be aware of the many similarities and difference. Some differences include: cost, amount of freedom, and reasons why people are there. On the other hand, both high school and college have similar class structure and both require time management. The better prepared a student is to challenged with these many similarities and differences, the more
In the article written by Rodney K.Smith where he puts forward a clear argument about “Yes, a College Education is Worth the Cost. There are more opportunities and doors open for those with higher education compared to those without. Higher education allows people to live in better neighborhoods; it brings financial security and stability. ”. Financially secured people not only are able to afford extracurricular activities for their kids, such as sports, music lessons, art, dancing etc, it also allows to have intellectual knowledge in general as well as better nutrition and medical care compared to uneducated people. A college education is worth the cost and investment of the students’ time.
Students struggle to pay off the cost of tuition that come up when going to college. Students intensionally skip class to do other activities that they enjoy. Student can notice that college may not be for them and may choose a different path. All of the cost to pay for college is a very stressful of college students that want to graduate and get a job, and taking this stress off of them can help them focus more on school work rather than stressing if they will be in class next quarter or
I’ve just entered my senior year of high school. I know that this is a very important year. I have a lot of decisions to make and not much time to make them. These decisions will either make or break my life, and I want to make sure that I make them to the best of my ability because there is no turning back. I need to make sure I definitely want to attend college. The decision is totally up to me. There are many positives and negatives of attending college. Go over them, and then decide. I know myself better then anyone else, and I won’t let anyone else tell me what to do. I will make sure if I am going to attend college that I have something in mind that I will want to do, to succeed in. Choosing a major can be a very stressful situation so why not sit down and take some time to do it? Be creative, don’t rush, give yourself plenty of time and really think about what interests you in life. My major is something that I will want to enjoy, something that I will be doing for the rest of my life. Why would I want to be miserable at something I do in life? In two short essays: “College? What’s in It for me?” by Steven M. Richardson, and “What It Means to Be Creative”, by S.I. Hayakawa, I can relate to my major very well. Athletic Training is something that takes skill, as well as being creative in your own way. No two Athletic Trainers are the same. The more creative I am at whatever I do, the better off I will be. I hold the keys to all the doors that can ...
It was a better option compared to the traditional route of finishing high school and then going to college. It gave me the chance to take classes that were more in depth, faster in pace and contained challenging material.
College education essentially is the key to success in the future. It opens many doors of opportunity and allows us to explore every option available. College education can provide a student with new exciting opportunities that they would never had if they drop out of at high school. I would like to share some of the benefits that furthering your education can provide, and as well as the joy it can bring to each and every one of us.
This allows for them to go to school cheaper than paying for it out of pocket without scholarships and to pursue a field that they hopefully love and will thrive in. That said, this is by far not the greatest effect to take place if one were to join the
It gives seniors who didn’t pass all their proficiencies to have more chances so they’ll graduate with a diploma. Lastly, it gives motivated students more time to accomplish