Unit 1 Reflective Essay

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Introduction to University Writing has instilled many valuable lessons upon me, from refreshing basic writing techniques to gaining confidence in myself. To begin with, I was apprehensive about starting this educational journey with a full time job and family. However, by utilizing the time management skills suggested in Unit 4, the reorganization of my personal time has allowed adequate instructional time. The resources available to me have strengthened my writing techniques. As mentioned in last week’s complete assignment, Paperrater.com has been a tremendous asset in creating a more proficient writer. As a result, there are more transitional words and extended vocabulary words in my essays. Along with bolstering my writing skills, I also realized the importance of speaking correctly. First impressions are extremely important and very lasting in job interviews. Therefore, taking into consideration all the available resources, class lectures, and personal instructor comments, my confidence in my writing techniques have increased tremendously. …show more content…

Chambers did not indicate that I had any grammatical errors. However, later in Unit 3 she pointed out that according to the American Psychological guidelines you should use the actual number instead of the word for any double digit numbers. The original sentences were, “She has been with our family for fourteen years.” and “He just turned ten this past October.” As you can see, I made the mistake of writing the number out twice. Instead, I should have written, “She has been with our family for 14 years.” and “He just turned 10 this past October.” Since Ms. Chambers brought this practice to my attention, I have been more cognizant of following these

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