Practice makes Perfect As I look back on my schooling I can’t believe how many papers I’ve written throughout my life. Naturally as I’ve grown up, my writing has developed from learning how to write sentences all the way up to the pages of essays that consist of deeper criteria. I know for a fact that I’m a better writer now than I was before. College writing is more challenging and I’ve had to learn how to adjust to it. Over the semester we have written papers that have helped me develop my skills. Before we did the first two papers of the class, I really didn’t know much about paraphrase and summary. I wasn’t sure how long it would take me to learn these skills, but I soon realized that it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. Ultimately, I think t...
As I look back into my high school years, I thought I wrote papers well. But then coming into a college environment, my papers were mediocre. By overlooking at my past papers, I found that they were unorganized, sloppy and had bad use of diction. From now on, I will use the tools I learned in English 1100-40 as a foundation for the future papers I intend on writing in college. Following the criteria of organizing ideas so that they flow, impacting the reader with diction and also by being creative, will help become an ideal writer. Following the criteria of staying motivated in short and long term goals, taking responsibility for actions and finally the ability to study well will help me develop into a supreme student.
Transitioning from high school to college can be overwhelming. Before English 1301, I thought that I did not have to worry about being prepared for college. I quickly realized that my little background in writing essays was not going to be enough for college. Writing is not just something that I will use in English classes. In college, I will have to use effective writing skills in all my classes to complete research papers, essay tests and communicate to professors. Throughout my education, writing strategies persisted to be something that did not come easy to me. I dreaded writing because I could never find ways to get my thoughts down on paper. Ironically, a class that petrified me due to the amount of writing that was required ended up helping me in so many ways. English 1301 and my professor prepared me so much for college and real life.
My development as a writer has flourished throughout this semester. The first week of this fall semester started out with writing responses from our readings in the textbook. Looking back through and analyzing my reading responses at the semester to now; I noticed a substantial improvement in not only my grammar skills, but also my summarizing, and in-depth studying of writing adeptness. Another way I have progressed this semester is the vocabulary of my writing has significantly improved and become more scholarly. Another advancement I noticed was that the content of my work has matured, along with my organizational adeptness.
In the past three months I feel like I have accomplished a great deal. As the semester comes to an end I find myself reflecting not only how I have survived the first semester but also what I have learned. The most important thing I have learned so far is how to become a better writer. I did not think it could really happen to me. I did not think I could handle all the work. I did not think I could actually become a better writer. Some how after all the hours of writing, and putting effort into the papers that I wrote this semester, I became a better writer. I did this because I concentrated on two very important areas, with the attitude of, if I could just become better in those then I would become a better writer. With help from an awesome teacher and a reliable tutor I have become a better writer by improving my skills in the areas of procrastination and content.
...will be seen right away, for example the link between socioeconomic status, as well as between housing and delinquent behavior. The advantage of using this study design is that it can show protective factors that might deter delinquent behavior. If a student has a greater commitment to school they are less likely to have incidents with criminal behavior, or show less of a desire to associate with peers who commit specific criminal behavior. As a result of using the analysis, risk and protective factors could serve as basis for research in the future. In addition, interventions based on imparting strategies for coping could be developed. There is still much work to be done to fully explain why youths commit crimes, but this study will help gain insight and understanding of the ways that specific factors influence various types of violent and nonviolent delinquency.
On February 3, 1962, President John F. Kennedy signed The Cuban Liberty and Democratic Solidarity (, 2014). The Cuban Liberty and Democratic Solidarity, Title 22 Chapter 69A, states that “the President should encourage foreign countries to restrict trade and credit relations with Cuba. The communist regime seized one point eight billion dollars of US assets” (Enforcement of economic embargo of Cuba, 2015). The United States restricted Cuban travel for all people and companies under US jurisdiction (Enforcement of economic embargo of Cuba, 2015)
...rtant to be able to know how to use all of the sources provided to you that allow you to be an adequate writer. If you are not able to effectively express your thoughts and ideas in college, it’s really hard to be able to complete anything. From my experience, writing itself has never been much of a challenge. I found that the standard college essay is at least 3-4 pages. Some classes even require 1-2 pages. I’ve found that despite the length, the most important factor about a paper is its content. As a writer I hope to develop better time management. I tend to have writers block a lot when I write, but I think that’s mainly because I’m so picky with the way I want to sound when I’m trying to express a point or an idea. I know that the writing skills I have learned and developed are skills that will be used throughout my college career and even outside of school.
This ultimately led to an alliance with the Soviet Union against the United States during the Cold War, which led to the notorious Bay of Pigs incident of 1961 and the Cuban Missile Crisis in October of 1962. While the crisis was resolved with the United States conceding any desire to attack Cuba further, that did not end the tension between the two countries. With the collapse of its USSR dependent in the 1990s, Cuba plunged into deep economic depression. Over a four-year span, gross national product decreased by over half and the standard of living plunged. Since then, the relationship between Cuba and the United States has been plagued by illegal emigration and increased economic sanctions on Cuba and their trading partners by the United States25. In recent years, however, President Obama has reopened Cuba to American visitors and thus has sparked a dramatic increase in Cuba from American business owners. With such a new and rapidly developing opportunity, American businesses must educate themselves on Cuba and its policies, in order to navigate Cuba’s ever-changing infrastructure and maximize total benefit for both
Not only should the US remove the embargo in order to restore relations, but the embargo has also failed to fulfil its purpose. It was intended to hurt the Cuban government but instead ended up hurting the Cuban citizens. The embargo isolates the Cuban population, denying them the ideals of freedom and democracy and depriving them of resources. Lifting the embargo would allow Cuban citizens access to affordable food, medicine, and other goods that we have available to us here in the US. According to an article by David Mager who was an advisor on the Obama USDA transition team, the embargo has only strengthened the resolve of the Cuban government and put the Cuban people in severe economic hardship. Not only has the embargo hurt Cuba, but has also harmed the US economy. According to that same article by David Mager, the embargo has ended up costing the United States an estimated 1.2 billion dollars each year from loss of sales as well as exports. Lifting the embargo and restoring relations between the two countries will help the US economically as well as Cuba, and allow the Cuban population more
The United States has had an ongoing embargo with Cuba. The United States embargo against Cuba is a commercial, economic, and financial embargo imposed by the United States on Cuba. An embargo was first imposed by the United States on Cuba on October 19, 1960. Almost two years after the Batista regime was deposed by the Cuban Revolution. when the U.S. placed an embargo on exports to Cuba except for food and medicine after Cuba nationalizes American-owned Cuban oil refineries without compensation. Cuba nationalized the refineries following Eisenhower's decision to cancel 700,000 tons of sugar imports from Cuba to the U.S. and refused to export oil to the island, leaving it reliant on Russian crude oil. All American oil companies refused to refine Russian oil, leading the Cuban government to nationalize the refineries. On February 7, 1962 the embargo was extended to include almost all imports.
Juvenile delinquency seems to be a huge factor in today’s society. Many of the youths that commit crimes are “at-risk”. At-risk is a term frequently used to describe children. The term really has no definitive answer to what at-risk is, other than a child who faces a much higher risk than other children. This could be in the form of abuse, being disabled, or even having a low self-esteem (Moore, 2006). Being at-risk may have some repercussions and may cause the individual to commit crimes, this is not a fact, but rather a probability. To get these answers and look into delinquency we need to think of the causation, correction, and prevention of crime in general. To make things even more difficult when trying to discover why a child does what
...ur, academic enactment, and positive attitudes accordingly. Through an array of these programs and others, detainees are guaranteed exposure necessary to help them in making more apt and tolerable choices that will help them become nation builders.
“A substantial amount of research has been devoted to the factors that may put youth at risk for delinquency. These risk factors can be found in every life domain (individual, family, school, community, and peer group), and everyone experiences some degree of risk in his or her life. With regard to juvenile delinquency, the number, types, duration, timing and severity of risks may increase the likelihood that a youth will engage in antisocial behavior” (Christle, Jolivette and Nelson, 2005 p. 70). Delinquent and criminal behavior among young people, as they negotiate the transition from childhood to adulthood, is an increasingly complex and confusing world. For many young people today, traditional patterns guiding the relations...
Bazerman tries to give good explains to help people understand what the best way to paraphrase is but it still would be difficult for people who are unaware of how paraphrasing actually works. It really struck to me the way he explained that with paraphrasing, you have to try and be open minded. Basically, if you come in reading something with a specific mind set or a strong negative or positive opinion or outlook on the topic, then you will only see the words and things that go with your thoughts. Then, when you start paraphrasing, you will not be getting the main idea or concept of the topic and will probably be writing your own
Therefore, it is imperative that the plan allows sufficient time for revisions. Another critical strategy is to write with a clear sense of purpose and audience. Each academic field presents the college writer with specific writing styles and unique writing expectations. As stated by Johnson, “College level writing involves more than collecting information from sources and inserting information into your paper” (2009, para .... ...