Unemployment And Unemployment Essay

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(Parkin, 2012) While talking about employment and unemployment the population of a country is divided mainly into 2 parts namely the working age population and the young and institutionalized. Individuals who are 16 years and above and are not in hospitals, Jails or in any form of institutional care come under the working age population.
The Working age group is further subdivided into 2 groups i.e. those who are in the labor force and those who are not in the labor force. The ones not in labor force are those who are not willing to work.
The labor force is further divided into the employed and the unemployed. The unemployed are those who want to work but can’t find any work or job for themselves.
According to (Labour Force Survey, 2014) the number of resident unemployed for the month of March 2014 is 60,600 and this induction of new buses would help in reducing this figure by a margin.

(Parkin, 2012) Unemployment can be measured in 3 different ways
1) Unemployment Rate
2) Labor Force Participation Rate
3) Employment to Population Ratio

(Mankiw, 2007) Unemployment Rate, this a percentage of labor force that is unemployed.
Unemployment Rate= Number of People Unemployed X 100
Labor Force
Below is a graph showing the trend of unemployment rate of Singapore for the month of March from 2002 to 2013. It shows that from 2002 the unemployment rate has been falling at a constant rate but in 2009 it rose to 4.6% due to the global economic crisis, but later fell down and was 2.8% in 2013.

Source of Data: (Labour Force Survey, 2014) Singapore Department of Statistics Singapore, MOM (Ministr...

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...l Unemployment, It occurs due to change in demand of goods due to change in seasons. Example in winter season ice-cream manufacturing employees may be unemployed for the winter months.
4) (Parkin, 2012) Cyclical Unemployment, it occurs when there is a change in the business cycle of an economy from boom to recession, the people who are unemployed due to this change fall under cyclical unemployment.

Cost of Unemployment

(Rudinger Dornbusch, 2001) Unemployment would cause unemployed people to lose their income and social problems. If the duration of unemployment is long the firms would have loss of output and human capital.
The cost of cyclical unemployment According to Okun’s law states that “The economy loses about 2% of output for each 1% that the unemployment rate exceeds the natural rate”


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