Ubiquitous Computing Essay

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to appear everywhere and anywhere. Instead of using desktop computers, ubiquitous computing

made users to use computing concepts in any devices, anywhere, in different formats. Normally

ubiquitous computing is a wireless technology, which can be connected and can be accessed

all around the world. As explained before Ubiquitous computing can occur anywhere, it may

have multiple end users who will have multiple needs. To satisfy their multiple needs there

should be multiple user interfaces which is going to cost high and more maintenance burden. So

instead of using multiple user interfaces there can be used only one user interface that is adaptive

user interface that adapts and changes according to user needs. By using ubiquitous computing

microchips are embedded into objects so that user is connected to world around him.

Technologies used

Operating System, mobile code, sensors, microprocessors, mobile protocols, networks,

Gold fish, Linda base, Java frameworks these are some of the underlying technologies used in

order to support pervasive computer.

Ubiquitous Technology in Real Time Application

Ubiquitous Computing is precious to users according to today’s situation, This

technology can be used anywhere and needs ti increase transactions, new channel, markets, get

better differentiation, loyalty and competition, need to decrease cycle time competition


The best example for ubiquitous computing can be sown in Figure1.1. Everybody are

having interest about shopping mostly, girls will have more interest about doing shopping.


But, it’s too irritating to trail each and every selected dress. So, this is the best technology

for the customers to see themselves in the selected dresses with ...

... middle of paper ...

... role. Microwave also have an important role in home

needs which requires to set an exact time in it to make food. So to overcome all these researches

are going on to embedded microchips into everything like our walls, furniture, clothes so that

user would be connected to the world around him.

Ubiquitous computing is exploring in every field like mobile computing, human

computer interaction. This will have very less computer accessories present with the human

being but more on the systems which needs our attention.


Ubiquitous computing played an important role in every possible activities of human.

Ubiquitous computing is microchips, mobiles networked in a single room. It supports automated

tools to capture information and replicates human tour guide by hand held technology. By using

all these human is connected to the world around him.

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