Tyler-Personal Narrative

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This is one of the hardest things I have ever had to do. I’m not exactly sure what to say or where to start. I don’t know how to let go of someone I love. I truly love you Tyler and care about you so much, but we need to come to an end. Over the past month or so I have been questioning us but even more so myself. It’s been a really difficult time for me and I am trying to figure out whom I am and what I want to do in life. I love school and want to focus on my future. I need to figure out where I want to go and focus on me. It’s so unfair to you and difficult to be with you or anyone for that matter when I don’t know who I am and where I want to go. I need to figure this out so badly Tyler, it’s killing me every day. I need to be happy with myself before anyone comes into …show more content…

I’m so sorry I couldn’t explain this to you earlier. I was wrong for ignoring the conflicts we had just brushing them away thinking it would be okay and just go away, but I cant run away from myself. I have to accept that this is the right thing to do even though I don’t want to do it. I’m so confused with us and myself. I need my groundings back. It’s not easy for me to let go of someone I love, and it’s even harder when I know it’s the right thing and something I need to do. You haven’t done anything wrong. It’s me, and that kills me. I know that sounds stupid but it’s true. You are such an amazing person and deserve the world. Sometimes you don’t treat me all that great but in the end I don’t think there’s a better person out there than you Tyler. The love that you give me is so incredible but I’m not ready for that right now or maybe ever. And I do love you and care about you. See how this is so hard and confusing…but I know I need this. I need to fix myself before anyone else is

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