True Color Personality Test Essay

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True Colors Personality Test There are four colors that exist in this personality test: blue, green, gold, and orange. One word to describe blue would be caring. People who have blue as their most dominant color are usually caring, social, and empathetic. These people go into careers having to do with the fine arts, education, motivating others, nurses, and other careers that help people. People with green as their dominant color are problem solvers. They love challenges, are dedicated, are a bit introverted, and love to explore and invent. Greens usually go into professions that include change into routine (like a traveling job), gathering new knowledge (like scientists), or where they have to think with their heads and stay objective (like a judge). People with gold as their most dominant color are organizers. The golds are usually prepared, clean, and traditional. They go into jobs that have to do with planning and organizing. Now, the people with orange as their dominant color: they are …show more content…

It helps me because I can stay objective and keep a clear mind even when I’m angry, have anxiety, or uncomfortable. It hinders me because I do not like emotions. For me, I believe that emotions should only be in decision making when all the pros and cons have been worked out and I need a tie breaker. Additionally, I do get bored of school, hobbies, and even people, so I have to constantly change up my life and fill any hours of the day that are not occupied. The one color I am near completely lacking and wish I had is blue. People with blue as their dominant color are the people I look up to for advice on anything I can’t research on my laptop. I admire blues because they motivate me and inspire me to be my best, but I am also glad I’m not a blue because I would hate to have to rely on my emotions in decisions making, id never be sure of

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