Transport System Essay

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Transport system in both animals and humans is the movement of materials from one area, which is where they are produced to other locations in the system of the animals where it is needed. Without transport system, digestion, absorption or excretion would not occur. There are medium and mechanisms to facilitate transportation. Examples of materials which are transported are carbon dioxide, oxygen, hormone, urea and urine, glucose, amino acid, water, and ammonia. The medium of the transport system in the body is the circulatory system which carries blood, lymph and haemolymph. This system allows the blood to carry essential nutrients such as amino acids, oxygen, and hormones to the cells in all parts of our body to ensure they …show more content…

The digestive system of a frog consists of the digestive tract and digestive glands. When a frog engulfs its food, it is swallowed whole and moves to the stomach from the oesophagus through peristalsis. It then moves to the stomach and then into the small intestines where essentials nutrients are absorbed through the villi on the lining of the wall of small intestine which increases the surface area. Digestive juice made by the liver known as bile is stored in a gall bladder. Pancreatic juice which acts as a biological enzyme for example trypsinogen is produced by the pancreas. Both the bile and pancreatic juice flows into the common bile duct. The bile duct will flow into the small intestine where most digestion and reabsorption process of food takes place. Bile aids in digestion of lipids in small intestine. Indigestible materials then travel to the large intestine and subsequently cloaca. In large intestine, water is also …show more content…

(blood fow)
4) The frog will bleed less because since the rat is warm-blooded and thus, have a higher metabolic rate, the blood will flow at a faster rate. Hence, the rat will bleed more as compared to the frog (or maybe vein size)
5) A mammal’s heart consists of four chambers; two atria and two ventricles. The left and right side of the heart is separated by septum thus, deoxygenated and oxygenated bloods are not combined. This is regard as the most efficient system. The right atrium receives deoxygenated blood from the body which consist low amount of oxygen in the red blood cells through both the inferior and superior vena cava. The blood then travels to the right ventricle where it is pumped through the pulmonary arteries to the lungs and hence, becomes oxygenated. It makes its way back to the left atrium via pulmonary vein. This oxygen-rich blood then travels to the left ventricle and is pumped out from the heart through the aorta to the entire body which is needed for cellular respiration. The aorta is the largest artery and has an enormous amount of stretch and elasticity to withstand the pressure created by the pumping ventricle. The four-chambered heart fortifies the facilitation of repetitious muscle contractions by ensuring the tissues of the body are constantly supplied with oxygen-saturated

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