Trajan's Forum Letter

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I’m writing you this letter to share with you my experience while I was at Trajan’s Forum. Now let me tell you my friend I am one lucky Roman citizen to be living just down the street from this beautiful place. From the moment you walk in all you see is beauty even just standing outside of the entrance you see its beauty. The entrance is just magnificent with there being this massive triumphal arch and statues on either side between the triple columns. Not only that, but these columns were made out of porphyry! Can you believe that? It was just so beautiful to see before my eyes. Also the gate was made of Trajan’s coins and at the gate there was this incredible statue of Trajan himself. It was of Trajan being crowned by victory of leading Dacians in chains on a 6-horse chariot. Surrounding the him were his many, many trophies as well as his Victories. May I remind you that this is beautifulness is only at the entrance of this forum. My friend, this forum is so big that I cannot even describe to you everything that I have witnessed. Thus I will only describe the most amazing things that I had seen while taking a stroll through the forum. As soon as I walked inside the forum right in the center of it was the statue of Trajan trampling Dacian. Not only that but all around the rectangular court it is covered with this incredible colored …show more content…

You would not believe me when I tell you how amazing this market is. It has many levels for shopping and it even has an administrative center. There are so many stores that I had a hard time saving my money. In fact, I think I spent it all because of all the incredible things that they were selling there. They had many stuff to sell like, swords, animals, chariots, food, clothing, dishes, and even some incredible paintings. They even some statues of our previous emperors on sale

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