The Res Gestae Divi Augustus: The Deeds Of The Divine Augustus

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The Res Gestae Divi Augustus (‘The Deeds of the Divine Augustus’), also known simply as the Res Gestae was a catalogue of the achievements Augustus had made during his life, specifically those that had an obvious positive impact on the Roman people. It was written in 13-14AD (E.S. Ramage, 1987) and presented to the Vestal Virgins alongside Augustus’ will upon his death in 14AD (M.C. Howatson, 1937). The biography, which was carved into bronze pillars outside of Augustus’ mausoleum (M.C. Howatson, 1937), is split into 35 sections; each recognizing a separate part of Augustus’ excellence. The fifteenth, which will be discussed in this commentary, describes the notable largesses donated to the Roman people by Augustus throughout his …show more content…

Res Gestae is a bibliographical source written from the point of view of Augustus during his reign as Emperor of the Roman Empire. It was used as a way of remembering and glorifying his rule, and it is therefore important to remember that there is heavy bias towards the greatness of Augustus throughout the entire piece. It is written in the first person, which greater emphasizes exactly how much the Res Gestae was used as a piece of propaganda, as it emphasizes the personal contribution of Augustus to each donation he …show more content…

This is not to say that Caesar did not support those of the patrician class, in fact he was more than generous to those of a higher class. He supported Hortalus, grandson of the orator Hortensius, by giving him one million sesterces in order to maintain the family’s position (Tacitus, Annals 2.37, cited by R. Ridley, 2003), and this was not the only example of his giving to patricians. We must then consider why he emphasizes his generosity to the common people, and I think that the key to this is the placement of the source. Res Gestae was inscribed upon pillars in a public area- it was designed to be seen by those of all classes, not just those of a higher class, like many forms of literature were in Augustus’ era. He wants those who will see his work to look upon him in a favourable light, and the best way for Augustus to achieve this was to make himself out to be a friend to the common people.
It is also interesting to note that Augustus is never referred to as an Emperor in this text- this is the best evidence of how the Res Gestae was tailored to please the people as much as possible, as the title Emperor shows the power Augustus had too clearly- the Romans had a hatred of dictators and tyrants inspired by the Roman Kingdom. Instead of referring to himself as Emperor, Augustus uses his consulship or tribunician power for a time frame,

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