Tower Of Babel Research Paper

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The world in which we live consist of several different races which consist of different cultures, languages,and religions. One question that several individuals may have is how and where did these very controversial factors of a person originate. It is believed that the tower of babel is what our languages originated from as to before when we all spoke one common language.
What is the tower of babel? according to Bible study tools, Noah and his descendants wanted to build a symbol acknowledging their nation. God did not approve of their “ pride and arrogance”, so he caused them to speak different languages so they would no longer speak of the same language, to …show more content…

In the bible it is said that Adam and Eve were the first people that God had made, but we all obviously can't be traced back to these two specific people, because we would all look the same. According to the previous site, god as you may have read before confused their language as a consequence, so basically they mated with the people within their group and lived up to their own standards and morals. As you can imagine some physical traits were more prominent than others, which can explain the difference in some of our appearances and ethnic groups. These groups were then wrongly mistaken as different “racial” characteristics. So technically there's only one race, referred to as the human race. But this could be insignificant information if this is beyond your beliefs. Indiviuals normally consider the color of ones skin when entitling someone to a race. It can be implied that since we can supposedly be traced back to two people that melanin is the reason for different colors of skin. And sexual intercourse with different people is the reason for the different physical characteristics of individuals. That’s just the religious story of it all, there is a scientific theory on this topic as well. Some scientist believe that human beings somehow evolved from other animals like monkeys and other species. This race and language is something that could have several causes, there may never be apercise answer to WHY and HOW these differences came about in our

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