Exploring Core Values: Honesty, Reliability, and Open-Mindedness

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Personal Assessment Everyday is a chance to grow and learn about yourself and the world around you. After pondering long and hard, I came up with some core values that I find are extremely important to me. My top four core values would be being honest, reliable, caring, and open-minded. I feel very strongly on all four of these values and believe these are important to me. I truly believe in the statement “honesty is the best policy”. As leaders, being honest is extremely important to build a foundation of trust. Not only should leaders set and example for followers by being honest, but to be the best for the organization they should be honest. People don’t want to interact with others who are not trustworthy, to me honesty is the first …show more content…

I have found that whole heartedly listening is a very important step to communicating. Listening to give a verbal response is not what communication is about. Listening is important to understand someone and their situation in order to help them and respond well. Listening is a part of being open-minded. I hope to continue to learn to communicate with others in a way that I can listen to them properly and be open-minded to their ideas that are different than mine. Occasionally others have ideas that I would never have thought of and being open to other ideas and trying the ideas of those around me can help lead to a better experience. Acknowledging and learning how to use core values is important. A person’s core values can tell you a lot about them. As a person learns more about those around them or even themselves, they can grow. Growing can bring to light more core values. Core values can help us accomplish more in our personal lives as well as when we are in a work environment. I hope to grow more and learn how to be a better leader through great communication and making sure to implement my core values in my life. In order to be the best person as well as leader that I can

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