Things That Brings Happiness To My Life

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Happiness can come in different forms for each person. Some people dream of achieving great wealth to buy everything they ever wanted. Others may find simple tasks such as, reading a book, to make them happy. There are people who find happiness by making others happy, whether it’d be, feeding the homeless, or giving random compliments to strangers. I think that most people would agree that the purpose of life is happiness. There are several things that bring happiness to my world, which include, family, health, and laughter, among other things. Accomplishments can also bring happiness to people, which is what many people strive for during their lives. It can be a promotion, diploma, house, etc. It is usually something that is challenging, …show more content…

I don’t know where I’d be without my family. We’ve been through thick, and thin. I’m very glad that I have them for moral support, and can depend on them for advice. They’ve taught me almost everything I know about life, whether it’d be household chores, manners, morals, cooking, etc. I’m pleased to have a very caring family that would do anything for me. I feel safe and secure with them. They provide me with the basic necessities such as food, water, and a roof over my head. I would consider all of the things they provide me with as luxuries, because not everyone has a comfortable place to reside in, or food to eat. If I didn’t have these basic necessities, then it would be another thing I would have to stress about in life. I like to joke around with them a lot, and it brings a smile to my face when I see their reaction. Having a loving, and supportive family is what makes me …show more content…

My health is of great importance to me. I firmly believe that having good health is imperative for a happy life. Having bad health can wreck havoc in one’s daily life. I know from personal experience because it has been happening to me these past few weeks. I’m thankfully, recovering as time passes, but I can contribute most of the misery I went through due to lack of sleep. I’ve only experienced these awful symptoms for about a short amount of time, but it’s probably the worst torment I’ve ever experienced in my life to this date. I feel so much happier now because my symptoms are improving. Having good health makes life much more bearable, and now I’m able to do my daily activities with much more ease. Taking care of my body is probably the best thing I can do for myself because it will keep me happy in both the short term, and long term. Another thing that makes me feel joyful is listening to music. I can’t envisage a world without music. Music makes life more stimulating, and adds more profoundness in our lives. It can be used as an outlet to help us through rough patches in our lives. It can also help create great memories that can last forever. Music relieves stresses in my everyday life. I can listen to it basically anywhere I

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