Dalai Lama Analysis

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Happiness has always been a desirable goal throughout our lives, but each actions we take might just affect the happiness of others. When humans seek happiness, we always seek for things that make us feel alive, or things that brings us the greatest comfort. Our contentment comes with the act of selfishness since we choose to prioritize our happiness above all other. We willingly classify happiness in two different types of meaning, both physical and mental happiness. People ought not be in title to happiness because it is classified in general as a physical desire by many people. Contentment is always known to be a physical satisfaction in life instead of a self-inducing satisfaction for life. Humans constantly yearn for a great and fulfilling …show more content…

The Dalai Lama and Howard Cutler in “The Source of Happiness” shows that “One method is obtaining everything that we want and desire-all the money, houses, and cars; the perfect mate and the perfect body.” (Dalai Lama and Cutler 27). The Dalai Lama gave an example to how people choose to find happiness in the world and believes how pretentious these ideas can be. If a person cannot be satisfied with what they have then it allow for there to be a flaw in that person’s life. The Dalai Lama wanted us to understand that the desires that we have may just be something temporary and wants us to reanalyze what happiness is for us instead of looking for the answers in many things we see each day. Dalai Lama’s words can be inspected when he states that this way of life is flawed, due to the fact that desires can grow until it reaches a point where we cannot fulfill it no more (Dalai lama and Cutler 27). When it comes to the Dalai Lama, his answer to this was understanding that there is more than one way to live a materialistic life. Happiness itself is a goal which we should not achieve because eventually we all will lose our sense of satisfaction over these temporary things. In life, it is impossible to not long for what we want, but to enjoy what we have is a redeeming quality that Dalai Lama Mentions (Dalai Lama and Cutler 27).

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