Themes In Ernest Hemingway's For Whom The Bell Tolls

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For Whom the Bell Tolls, a novel written by Ernest Hemingway, is an inspirational piece of literature for many. People seeking a career in public service have and will continue to be inspired by this great work. President Obama has even mentioned it, when asked what pieces of literature inspired him. The book is very inspiring because it contains themes such as determination, respect, and duty. All of the themes mentioned are characteristics and ideas that people looking for a career in public service should possess. One inspirational characteristic that is shown throughout the course of the novel is determination. From the beginning of the book to the conclusion, Robert Jordan is attempting to successfully execute his mission and blow the bridge. The events that unfold are inspirational because it shows someone looking for a career in public service that even if there are hardships along the way, they will eventually be able to accomplish their goals if they keep trying and work through the problems. Even though people working in public service will most likely not be blowing bridges, there are still many important tasks that they will have to complete on a daily basis. Before blowing the bridge, …show more content…

However, it is the most inspirational to people seeking a profession in public service, as the novel contains many themes and ideas relating to that area of work. These themes include determination, respect, and duty, which were all traits that Robert Jordan exhibited throughout the course of the work. Due to these characteristics that he possess, the novel is very inspirational for someone looking to work in public office, since Robert Jordan was able to maintain all of the characteristics needed while he was facing an untold amount of difficulties. For these reasons, For Whom the Bell Tolls is a very inspirational story for those who are seeking careers in public

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