Theme Of Kanye West And Slow Dancing In A Burning Room

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Love, especially the aspect of heartbreak, is one of the most common themes within compositions such as songs and poems. The popularity of the theme can be attributed to the relevance and familiarity that reverberates within the general population. “Heartless” by Kanye West and “Slow Dancing in a Burning Room” by John Mayer both discuss the ending of long term relationships. Though both songs use different genres, symbols, and emotions to illustrate the theme of love, West’s work most effectively communicates the theme to the audience.
Kanye West’s hit single “Heartless” broke genre barriers with its mix of pop, hip-hop, and R&B. The appeal of the song comes from the base of a common 4/4- times signature, and accented keyboard notes interwoven …show more content…

Mayer’s pop is much more laid back and relaxed compared to other songs in the same genre. The singer’s preferred instrument, the guitar, sets the mood for the song. The guitar riffs and chords have a more soothing sound, while the drums beating in the background of “Heartless” provide a steady pulse that entrances the listener. Alternating between high and low chords, the song “Slow Dancing in a Burning Room” depicts the concluding moments between a man and a woman who are together, but know their relationship is coming to an end. West’s song shows a relationship where the individuals have gone their separate ways, while Mayer portrays the two desperately holding onto each other. Within the song, the love between the couple is presented in the verse, “My dear, we’re slow dancing in a burning room.” The act of slow dancing signifies a tender and special moment which the couple continues to hold onto until the imminent end. The act also indicates the hopeless indulgence in the inevitable. The two are so invested in what once was, they refuse to acknowledge the room that is their relationship crashing around them. Kanye’s “Heartless” depicts a mature approach, rather than holding onto something that no longer exists, the couple accepts the fate and separates. Mayer’s work mixes the reflection of both good and bad moments, representing the highs and lows of relationships. The love the couple once had for each other is portrayed in the verse, “I was the one you always dreamed of, you were the one I tried to draw, how dare you say it's nothing to me, baby, you're the only light I ever saw.” The tumultuous fighting presented in the verse, "You try to hit me just to hurt me so you leave me feeling dirty," reveals the tensions and aggression in the romance. "Slow Dancing in a Burning Room" embodies the sadness Mayer felt towards the downfall of his long-term relationship. “Heartless” illustrates

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