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The beginning of rap and hip hop
Emergence of Hip Hop
History of hip hop essay
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I was twelve when I first heard the name “Kanye West”. He was featured in a song I rather liked at the time called “Forever” and whilst discussing the song with my friend one afternoon I remarked:
“I like Kayne (pronounced like citizen Kane) West’s verse as well”
“It’s pronounced ‘Kan-Ye’’ he corrected me with a chuckle. A year later West popped into my life again. I was talking with my aunt about current events, to the extent a thirteen year old can discuss such a thing, and she asked me with a slightly disarming fervor if I was a Kanye West fan.
“No” I remarked innocently.
“I mean I liked that one song he was on but I would hardly call myself a fan” I thought. “He’s prejudiced ya know” warned my aunt
I found out later that week that the man had apparently made a fool out of himself publicly, jumping on stage and drunkenly trying to disarm Taylor Swift of her newly received VMA Award, declaring “Beyonce had one of the best videos of all time!” At this point the only information I had
I was so interested in the truth that I suspended my assumptions about West as I pursued more information through research, giving me an objective lens. It truly rattled me to have been so wrong in my assumptions, it felt weird to know that because of something I didn’t know, I had believed something. It genuinely shook my self-confidence. I really prided myself on my knowledge of Hip-Hop, I thought I knew all the classic albums, how could I have overlooked this one for so long? So, jolted by this sting of self embarrassment, I searched further, I wanted to know what else I had been oblivious to. It became increasingly clearer to me that there were two completely opposite views about Kanye, the more popular view: he’s a worthless egotistical pop star, who’s created nothing of value, and, as I was shocked to learn over time, the informed view, and the truth, that he was and is one the most influential artists of the 21’st
Kanye Omari West, rapper, producer, professional celebrity, and with an ego to match, has forced himself into the limelight of the music industry. Kanye West has made a lasting impression on all of those around him, whether it be a good one or bad. With seven full length albums, a multimillion record label company, and a successful fashion business all under his belt, it’s fair to say that Kanye has done his fair share of creating. Over the last twelve years Kanye went from a young Chicago kid just trying to get his flows off, to one of the most decorated musicians of all time. With over 20 Grammy’s and 3 of his albums ending up on the Rolling stones “500 greatest albums of all time”. He has continuously created, entertained, and spoken his mind for years. Whether it be “George Bush does not care about black people” or “Taylor imma let you finish, but Beyoncé had
Some weaknesses of James McBride’s “Hip Hop Planet” include its cynical tone and his attitude towards the musical side of Hip Hop. McBride opens the essay with a reflection on what his ultimate nightmare is. He showcases the Hip Hop community in a negative light with phrases like, “music that doesn’t seem to be music—rules the world” (McBride, pg. 1). This starts the essay off negatively because it misleads the reader by letting them think he is not a supporter of the Hip Hop movement. As you read the entire essay you realize this is not the case. The article itself isn’t very inviting because tone of the entire essay is very cold and cynical. He also doesn’t agree with the typical Hip Hop sound saying things like, “It sounded like a broken record” (McBride, pg. 1). The sound of Hip Hop music is what helps define it and is a crucial aspect of
He describes the sensation of “measuring one’s soul by the tape of a world that looks on in amused contempt and pity” (2). West tackles double- consciousness in a lot of his songs, but more so I “Gorgeous” and “Power”. He does have slight elements in “Monster”, however. In “Gorgeous”, West is straight-forward in his approach, voicing his frustrations about appearing to fit in with the majority of popular artists (namely the white ones), yet when he does something stereotypically black he gets massive media attention and is berated for his actions. It is even in his clothes: if he is wearing the right clothing he is accepted, but is automatically perceived as ghetto when he is wearing sneakers and a white t-shirt. “As long as I’m in Polo’s smiling they think they got me/But they would try to crack me if they ever see a black me” (Lyrics On Demand). In “Power”, he discusses issues with fame and general concept of power, as well as being a minority with limited options. He talks about how education is limited and that minority children are eventually doomed to prison. “The system broken, the schools closed, the prison’s open” (Lyrics On Demand). His lyrics speak of how the world around him in controlled by the majority, and how minorities are forced to conform to the standards of the rest of the world. In “Monster”, the biggest hint at double- consciousness is the inclusion of Justin Vernon of Bon Iver, a white indie folk musician. Vernon’s appearance on such a quintessential rap track is impressive and jaw-dropping considering these types of songs (posse cuts”) are notorious for featuring all- black artists. His presence plays to the double-consciousness West expresses, by mixing black and white artists together for
Throughout America’s history there have been countless influential leaders that have proudly been American. Those have held positions of politicians, soldiers, and . Kanye Omari West has opened the eyes of today's generation and still continues to shape American history. His musical influence has transformed the lives of countless people. Inspiring many to stand up and fight for what they believe in is something Kanye West continues to do even today.. Also, opening the eyes of many to racial injustice towards African American citizens. I’ll further elaborate my claim in the following paragraphs using historical evidence.
"West, Kanye." UXL Newsmakers, vol. 5-6. Ed. Rebecca Valentine, Kelle S. Sisung, and Carol Brennan. Vol. 6. Detroit: UXL, 2006. 459-467. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Web. 16 Mar. 2014.
Kanye Omari West, an icon of hip-hop, pop culture, fashion and music in general. Kanye Omari West, a person belittled against and a person subjected to a life of racism and hate. Born on June 8th, 1977, Donda West, West’s mother, always knew he was destined for greatness, but did she know her son would turn out to be the Kanye West, a man lacking the respect he deserves for transforming a big part of the music we listen to on this very day? West came onto the scene in the late nineties but didn’t release The College Dropout until 2004, an album that took everybody by surprise. Kanye West changed the gangster filled rap genre by releasing his positive, soulful debut album, changing the way rappers dress, and paving the way for a whole new style of introspective lyrics and soul-inspired rap production in the mainstream.
Hailing from the windy city we have Kanye “Yeezus” West. In my opinion Kanye West is one of the most indubitable rappers of this generation; however he is technically a simple rapper. He drops one or two rhymes per bar, and they range from one to two syllab...
He may just seem like another rapper to you but if you actually listen to his lyrics you can see he’s not like any rapper out there. His name is Kanye West and he was born in Chicago Illinois. He grew up in the “ghetto” and learned to appreciate life. He didn’t learn to really, truly appreciate life until October of 2002. Driving back to his hotel late one night after a recording session, the new-coming rap/hip-hop artist was involved in a devastating, near fatal car accident. The crash left him with a broken jaw in three places and an appreciation for life. Just weeks after being released from the hospital he recorded his first major hit, “Through the Wire,” with his mouth still wired shut. He records every song like its going to be his last song and that makes every song better than the last. He’s not only a rap artist but also a producer. He has been responsible for being behind songs like Jay-Z’s Izzo, Girls, Girls, Girls, The Takeover, and 03 Bonnie and Clyde.
The norm in the music industry prior to Kanye West’s revolutionary actions was to rap about getting girls, drugs, flaunting money and how difficult it was to be a rapper. Rap music videos glamorized the criminal lifestyles where violence is prom...
Previously I hinted above about his sexism and misogynistic ways, but now I will go in depth. Hip hop misogyny has been reignited since the history of Dr. Dre’s abuse appeared again with the debut album Straight Outta Compton. The history behind misogyny has dated back decades and has gained even more pushback due to artist like Rick Ross, Drake and Kanye West. These rappers have created songs that dehumanized women from them stripping, making money, and slapping them while having intercourse. However, Kanye West gained a great amount of pushback due to his Yeezus album that greatly dehumanized, influenced sexisim and exhibited a great amount of anger towards women. The release of Straight outta Compton created a huge controversy behind sexism and abuse as it should. Dr. Dre’s beating of Dee Barnes then created a dialogue within the media due to the huge success of the movie. The creator of Straight Outta compton then made a statement after her bragging on how successful the movie was. Ava DuVernay states “I saw the cavalier way that women were treated in hip hop spaces early on. To be a woman who loves hip hop at times is to be in love with your abuser. Because the music was and is that. And yet the culture is ours. From depictions of the origins of ‘Bye Felicia’ to watching Cube bring his wife Kim to business meetings. That’s hip hop. A curious thing”. The statement was a post made on Twitter and The Daily Beast brought it to our attention. Dr. Dre contribution to this movie shows how misogyny within hip hop has become a thing even greater than NWA. The movies and his contribution fits perfectly within hip hop because it created dialogue. Not only dialogue but as I previously stated recent artist who has come in contact with West Coast members, Dr. Dre and got their flow from NWA all have misogynist characteristics in their music. Kendrick has created music on his recent album
Trickey, Erick. "Kanye West." Newsmakers. Detroit: Gale, 2006. Student Resources in Context. Web. 25 Nov. 2013.
Kanye West is the GOAT, the greatest of all time.Music has always been a huge factor in my enjoyment of life. This doesn’t surprise me because my parents are the same way, my dad used to be a breakdancer and the other day, my mom asked me if I would ever be up to go to a Young Thug concert with her.
Kanye Omari West was born in Atlanta, Georgia, on June 8, 1977. He is currently 40 years old. West started out producing for local artists. He developed “chipmunk soul” which included sped up soul samples. He got his big break producing “This Can’t Be Life” for Jay Z. The name Kanye means “the one and only” in Swahili.
Dixon, Travis L., TaKeshia Brooks. “Rap Music and Rap Audiences: Controversial Themes, Psychological Effects and Political Resistance.” Perspectives. 7 April 2009. .
People refer to “missing the old Kanye,” commonly, because Kanye was genuinely a different person before the hype of fame and the lowest point of his personal life. In conclusion, the research you conduct is completely up to the topic and your preference. But there are multiple sources available and ways of accessing these sources conveniently. If you’re researching the life of a star, remember the importance of focusing on a personal theme. Ask yourself, what major life events have altered this person’s life, and other personal statement-themed questions.