The play A Memory of Lizzie is a fictional look at the childhood years

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The play “A Memory of Lizzie” is a fictional look at the childhood years

of the infamous murderess Lizzie Bordon

The Memory of Lizzie Bordon

The play “A Memory of Lizzie” is a fictional look at the childhood

years of the infamous murderess Lizzie Bordon. Set in America the late

eighteen hundreds, the play takes place in an average middle class

neighbourhood in Massachusetts at that time. The play takes place in

an average suburban school, and the characters are (or at least the

children of) moderately wealthy people. The Characters in the play are

the childhood acquaintances of Lizzie Bordon, each aged around twelve

years old, though due the era they would probably be less mature than

modern day twelve year olds. Each character has a different attitude

towards Lizzie which becomes apparent as the play continues. The

children Ann Dorothy Barbara Irma Jo and Kathy all bully Lizzie, while

Christy and Georgina pity her. The character Rachel Brayton is a very

quiet character, possibly younger than the other children present in

the scene and therefore more fearful towards Lizzie.

The set in the scene that we performed consisted of some steps to

represent the schools steps and a pair of curtains to represent doors.

The scene starts with the children frozen, some playing with a ball,

others with cards and three with a skipping rope. The only other prop

that we needed was the doll that Rachel Brayton played with. Costumes

would include schools uniforms, gr...

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