The Way Society Views Tattoos and Body Modifications

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As we walk around in the world, and look at the people that pass us we judge them by the way they look. The way they ware their clothing, hair, and makeup but also what is on our bodies such as: tattoos, and body modifications, which we judged people the hardest on. Tattoos and body modifications should not be used to judge people, because it is a way to express themselves and is ultimately an art-form. People should not judge others based on the tattoos and body modification that they have all on their bodies. The reason is because tattoos and body modifications do not tell how a person's character nor their work ethic. Just because someone has most of their body covered in tattoos and many piercings that does not mean that they are not a wonderful person and it is not great at their job. On a personal account, I have met many great people covered in wonderful tattoos and are the nicest people in the world. But, I can understand why jobs will look at a person, and understand why they will not hire them for a job based on a body modifications and tattoos that they have. Yes when getting a job, they must look presentable and when working you can cover the tattoos with shirts and makeup. You should still be able to get the job based on how you work , if you are good for that job, not on how you look. The reason that body modifications and tattoos all are an example of self expression is because it shows the world how a person feels or what they like. When you walk down the street and you see someone with a tattoo of their favor band or their favorite piece of artwork you can understand what a like. Also person might have a phrase or a portrait of a loved one or someone feel inspired to be a better person. The same person may use... ... middle of paper ... and body modification should not be the bases to judge a person by. These two acts are a wonderful way to express ourselves. Meaning people no matter their lifestyle, how rich nor poor they are, or their ideas; they use these acts two express their feelings to the outside world. We as people should not judge them by the way they look but by the way they work in their personalities and morals. Also society should look at this as an art form. People spend thousands of dollars to make themselves look how the feel the inside, while artists spend years of fine tuning this talent to make others happy. We as a society should think before we say "You should not do that to your body", but think if someone told you that you cannot do something to your body, how you would feel if someone told you cannot do something to your body to make you look and feel how you were to be.

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