The Trinity Research Paper

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The doctrine of the Trinity is used to describe God as three persons within one in the Christian community, both past and present. Throughout the Bible, it is made known that the Trinity is referring to God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. The Theological term, homoousios, meaning three substances in one, is closely linked to this particular doctrine and plays into multiple theories of the Holy Trinity. Alister E. McGrather refers to this doctrine as being, “...the outcome of a process of sustained and critical reflection on the pattern of divine activity revealed in scripture” (textbook, 117). Often times this concept is linked to the now popular term referred to as blind faith. Society has become accustomed to pushing this …show more content…

Each of the three aspects of the Trinity hold its own standing and purpose; however, one cannot simply stand alone. Each portion profoundly depends on the other and feeds into the unity within the Trinity. McGrather goes on to say, “ The Trinity is thus an instrument of theological precision, which forces us to be explicit about the God under discussion” (textbook 129) What many do not realize is that the Trinity is unknowingly, strengthening our individual relationships with the Lord. We cannot put into words the ultimate purpose and clarification for the Holy Trinity; nonetheless, it still exists. The Bible teaches the truth of this doctrine, having faith in the Word of God means all the difference when believing in the three divine persons. Although many can argue that this conception alters or limits our overall vision and understanding of the Lord, it is imperative to make known that the Lord would not be who he is, if it were not for the various aspects of the Trinity and the essence that is associated with …show more content…

Irenaeus of Lyons began the development with his hypothesis of God being of higher order than any other portion of the doctrine. Both logos (Son) and sofia (Spirit, wisdom) stem from God in this theory; however, there is a significant differentiation in the Lord. This brings about the concept of strict monotheists, believing that there is only one God, every other element of the Trinity being of less significance. Tertullian of Carthage had a different understanding on the Doctrine of the Trinity, claiming that there are essentially three differentiations in God. This is supported by the belief of Sabellianism, three aspects or “roles” of the Lord, rather than three different persons. Origen of Alexandria built on Triunitas’ idea of Sabellianism, with his own idea of Modalism. This theory stated that the godhead has three persons stemming out from him, although a stronger emphasis is placed on the Holy Spirit. Athanasius of Alexandria believed in divine equality when it came to the Trinity. Three distinct persons are present within the doctrine, undivided in their

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