The Three Miracles Of Saint Joan Of Arc

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Name: Judy Li
Teacher: Mr. Dillon
Class: Theology 10
Date: 5/12/2017
People are called in this life to become saints; a saint is a friend of God. Most people think the saintly people as being gifted with some supernature powers that made them intimate friends of God. Many others think of saints as superheroes. The truth is that saints are not extraordinary people but rather ordinary people who had done the extraordinary in their lives.
Saint Joan of Arc was born in a small village called Domrémy located in northeastern France on January 6, 1412. Both her parents, Jacques and Isabelle d’Arc, are devout peasants who never traveled far from home. She was born during the Hundred years war. On May 30, 1431, Joan was charged as a heretic and …show more content…

Usually, a person is required six unquestionable miracles to confirm the holiness of Joan of Arc’s beatification and canonization. Because Joan saved France, one miracle can be dispensed by the Holy Father. There are three officially miracles that Joan performed. “Sister Thérèse of Saint Augustine, who lived in Orleans, had been cured of leg ulcers. Sister Julie Gauthier, who lived in Faverolles, was cured of a cancerous ulcer of her left breast. Sister Marie Sagnier, who lived in Frages, was miraculously cured of cancer of the stomach”(Tim). The two more miracles from canonization are soon approved after WWI. Joan of Arc was invoked by the Bishop of Orleans in the Blessing of the sick for Thérèse Belin. After three times of invocation, Blessed Joan of Arc cured Thérèse’s tuberculosis and abdominal cavity. And another miracle is the cure of a hole that pierced through Miss Mirandelle’s foot.
The Beatitudes are the Golden Rule for personal sanctity. Saint Joan of Arc took the words of Jesus seriously, “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.” Being poor in spirit means making God our number one desire in life, while fame, power, and wealth become inconsequential. Saint Joan of Arc was, indeed, poor in spirit. St Joan of Arc was a friend of God. Saint Joan of Arc, an ordinary human, rose to sainthood because she was not attached to worldly things, but instead practiced extraordinary virtue with ease and pleasure in order to more closely follow

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