Why the Dedication of Saints in Roman Catholicism?

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During my catholic youth group, one of my friends told me he was disappointment to all Roman Catholics because he says that we are just worshipping to the Saints. He seemed that he is under the influence of thinking too deeply into our religion, even though he is catholic too. I tried to explain him that we, Roman Catholics, do not worship to anyone but God but my words weren’t enough to make him understand more about the Saints. Someone gave a book to my aunt and I asked her if I could borrow the book. The book is called Saints from Our Times by Ann Ball. While skimming the book, I have found great explanations for people to have the genuine knowledge about the teachings and beliefs of the Roman Catholic Church. What or who is a Saint? In a very simple way to answer the question, we may say that a saint is any person who dies and who is now enjoying his/her external life before the eternal and divine presence of God in heavens. For people, well known or not, are celebrated on the very first day of the month of November; the All Saints Day. The origins of the religious feast in the Roman Catholic Church came from the early days of the church around the year 80 or 80 AC when sealed by the blood of Jesus’ crucifixion on the cross. By the martyrdoms of many Catholics, who are dedicated to Jesus’ teachings and the example of Saint Peter, pay with their lives to the Glory of belonging to the only church founded by Jesus Christ himself. The Catholics by the virtue of their martyrdom and their lives in all of the extinction of the Roman Empire, where they were persecuted and executed at the Circus Maximus, The Roman Coliseum at the Caracalla, and even inside of the Domus Aurea (Nero’s Palace). Those martyrs who lost their lives from th... ... middle of paper ... ...rongs. From that perspective, we must understand more clear of why we asked them to pray in our favor. Although the word “Saint” is used in reference to one Roman Catholic person who is in his/her mortal life had such exemplar life of holiness then the Church proclaims that she/he is officially declared as a Saint. The official declaration is called “Canonization” and it’s a long process that may take not just years but centuries to make it official. For example, San Juan Diego, his canonization process took more than 450 years because the Church were on the contrary to many anti-Catholics of prejudices and the beliefs were extremely cautious. The Church does not declare that someone is a saint until proven that the person was delivered to the Will of God in their life that the person is willing to become one harmony of the love and Grace of God for the people.

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