The Swamp Mary Oliver Essay

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Mary Oliver establishes a dense atmoshpere of a swamp as a metaphor for the mundane to capture the nuanced expression in life tha calls for appreciation. Life is constantly accelerating and people often feel surmounted by obligations without any rest. Rather than porttraying the routine of life as a continous cycle with no end, Oliver admits to the profundity in repetition.

The physical structure of the poem visualizes the poem’s essence because there is a clear source of tension in each verse. Lines are moving across the page twoards the edge of the paper, but are then returned to their starting margin. Forward movement embodies the progression of daily life, but the return to the first grid evokes Oliver’s claim about the crucial tendency to feel connected to a deeper truth. The physical structure mirrors the speaker’s progression through the swamp/struggle. Oliver visualizes the human tendency to become carried away with life’s daily vigor, only when meaning and depth is captured that stability is viewed in one’s life. …show more content…

The “endless wet thick” atmosphere puts tension on the swamp itself, as it is teeming with the mundane. The “burred faintly belching bogs” embody the whim of life that fills background noise and is unavoidable. To have a swamp without noise would be to have life without hurry –unnatural and displaced. “Here” is stated as an open-ended existence as there are no words to follow in the line. The pause in “here” carries a controlled resistance as “here” is contemplated and sustained. Through the “here” is open, it is still attatched to the sense and thus in the

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