Mary Oliver Essay

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The Implication of “Death” in Mary Oliver’s Poetry
The poems of Mary Oliver are hailed as masterpieces and classics of the genre, and vary in theme from the wilderness to family life. Despite the multiple different ideas in her poetry, one theme tends to stick out in a depressing way: death. A good portion of Mary Oliver’s writings use death to teach lessons about how life should be lived. The poems that support this theme the best include “Vultures,” “The Black Snake,” and “When Death Comes.”
The poem “Vultures” is a good introduction to what Mary Oliver’s perception of death is in the natural world. At its core, this poem speaks to the cycle of life and death more than anything, and how death is a natural part of life. For example, the …show more content…

This is the poem that seems to wrap up her feelings toward death and almost creates an umbrella over all of her previous poems about the idea. To start, the pattern of showing death as a negative notion and then flipping the script is still shown in this poem. This can be seen in the first lines of the poems which say “When death comes like the hungry bear in autumn; when death comes and takes all the bright coins from his purse to buy me, and snaps the purse shut; when death comes like the measle-pox; when death comes like an iceberg between the shoulder blades (10).” What can be seen here include darker similes and the personification of death which are used to show death as negative, as seen in the previous poems. With similes including comparisons to hungry bears and measle-pox, it is easy to see Oliver chose these describers to show death as evil or scary. The personification of death is interesting here as well, as it makes it seem like a slave owner, buying someone for the rest of eternity after one's demise, which is incredibly depressing if read with that in mind. All in all, the poem starts out with death being shown as a bad thing. However, throughout the rest of the poem, the narrative changes to show death as a inspiror to achieve in life. This is shown when it states “When it’s over, I want to say: all my life I was a bride married to amazement. I was the bridegroom, taking the world into my arms (10).” For starters, once again the change of death from negative to positive can be seen from the first part of the poem to the second part of the poem. It is safe to say that this theme is present throughout her poems about death. Besides that, the last section of the poem uses a similar message that “The Black Snake used, which is to not fear death. In “The Black Snake,” however, it simply stated to not fear death because no one knows when death will arrive

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