The Six Steps Of Coaching Employees

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Coaching Employees
Coaching to improve performance is a basic function of a Nurse Manager; yet, few are adept at the skill of coaching others. According to Narayanasamy and Penney (2014), coaching is fundamental in the successful development of people and establishments. Effective coaching involves six basic steps. The intent of this paper is to identify, describe, and explain the six steps of coaching while providing context through hypothetical examples of the coaching process with Dan, the performer. A coaching relationship is a journey with an individual that creates vulnerability and enlightenment while attempting to reach an optimal level (Tyra, 2008).
Intention and Purpose of Coaching Intention and purpose offer clarity when establishing …show more content…

Since Dan is joining an active committee with many new responsibilities, the PSM coaching model would support NM and Dan in creating a healthy coaching relationship to achieve stated objectives. The first stage explains and demonstrates the relevance and all components of the skill necessary, placing emphasis on the importance of the role in the organization, and providing feedback. The second stage reflects on recent learning and a brief opportunity to practice. Whereas, the third stage reviews Dan’s progress, including examination of the original intention and goals. The third stage encompasses an assessment of progress towards goals, including a review of communication and audits, then discussing opportunities for improvement and planning for next coaching session. The last step incorporates providing sessions to practice, which are a chance to work together to generate his email communication or role-play, expected leadership behavior. The Practice Spiral Model demonstrates an investment in the employee by focusing on mutual respect, trust, support, communication and motivation to reach Dan’s …show more content…

The coach must determine the intention and purpose of the coaching. Next, assess the performer to individualize effective coaching interventions based on the performer’s developmental level and needs (Manion, 2011). A coaching relationship develops and roles clarified then the dyad collaborates on setting goals and learning opportunities. The coach chooses a best practice coaching model that best suits the needs of the situation and carries out interventions. During the last two steps, the coach observes the performer and provides intentional feedback. Coaching challenges the performer to rise to accomplish the performers’ objectives while increasing performers feelings of achievement, fulfillment, and

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