The Reaction of Sodium Thiosulphate with Hydrochloric Acid

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The Reaction of Sodium Thiosulphate with Hydrochloric Acid



I am going to investigate the rates of reaction when sodium

thiosulphate reacts with hydrochloric acid. The rate of reaction is

the rate of loss of a reactant or the rate of formation of a product

during a chemical reaction. It is measured by dividing 1 by the time

taken for the reaction to take place:





There are five factors, which affect the rate of a reaction, they are:

1. Temperature

2. Concentration

3. Pressure

4. Surface Area

5. Catalyst

Therefore the independent variable will be the temperature, the

dependant variable will be the time, and the control will be me.

I Have decided to investigate what effect temperature has on the rate

of reaction, because it is the most practical to do, and it doesn't

take a lot of time. Whenever I am carrying out my investigation I will

need to know about all the substances that I am using, so I will look

up books and the Internet to find out more about them.


I think that when the experiments are repeated at a higher

temperature, the time it will take for the reaction to happen will get

quicker. The reason I think this is because heat makes particles move

faster, and the more heat there is the faster the particles move.

Therefore in the experiment, when more heat is added the particles

will be moving faster and colliding more often, making the time for

the reaction to happen less.


5 cm of hydrochloric acid and 15 cm of sodium are poured out into two

measuring cylinders. A beaker is half filled with hot water from a

tap. The water is placed on top of a Bunsen on a blue flame and the

two measuring placed inside the water bath. The water is heated to the

necessary temperature, then the two measuring cylinders are taken out

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