The Effect of Acid on Sodium Thiosulphate
Aim: My Aim is to see how concentration of acid will affect the time
it takes for Sodium Thiosulphate to become cloudy and make a cross
below it to disappear.
Hydrochloric Acid
Sodium Thiosulphate
Distilled Water
250cm ³ Beaker- I need a beaker big enough to see the cross and
although the 100cm³ would be perfect volume wise I would prefer to use
a bigger one so I can fit the cross under it and also be able to pour
the reactants into it without any spillage
100cm ³ Measuring Cylinder- I have decided to use this cylinder for
the Sodium Thiosulphate. I am only using 50cm ³ each time but I would
prefer to use one in which I only have to measure to half way as
opposed to using a 50cm ³ Measuring Cylinder and having to measure it
right to the top. It will be easier to measure
10cm ³ Measuring Cylinder- This is the smallest Measuring Cylinder
available. I will use this to measure out the Hydrochloric acid and
Distilled water because there volume together will equal 10cm³. If I
use a 50cm³ Measuring cylinder, I won't be able to get a good enough
Stopwatch- For timing the experiment
Pipette for measuring out accurately and piping back excess
Hydrochloric acid
Piece of paper with a black cross on it like this: To find out when
the experiment has ended. It is dark and thick because I want to
clearly see when the experiment has finished
Paper towels: For washing beakers and measuring cylinders out.
2. Put the black cross underneath the 250cm ³ Beaker, leave this on
the side.
3. Measure out 50cm ³ of Sodium Thiosulphate in the 100cm ³
Measuring cylinder and pour into the 250cm ³ beaker
4. In the other 100cm ³ measuring cylinder.
... measure. They will not want the hassle of remembering two different measurements throughout their lives. Americans are not very stubborn and are willing enough to change to a simpler system of measurements.
Throughout the day we are constantly checking the time, preparing for the upcoming months, and keeping track of the year. Clocks tell us the time we use as a measurement. It’s how we keep track of those important months and events, such as holidays and birthdays. Although there are many investigations and research being done on the nature of time, many unresolved issues remain.
The purpose of this experiment was to study the reactions of amino acids and aspartame. Several solutions were prepared and used in TLC analysis. A permanganate test and a ceric nitrate test were also performed. The summary of the results is shown below.
To investigate the reactions of a typical acid (dilute hydrochloric acid) with metals, metal oxides, carbonates and bases.
Sodium Thiosulphate and Hydrochloric Acid Reaction Investigation Aim To see the effects of concentration on the rate of a reaction between sodium thiosulphate and hydrochloric acid. Background information The collision theory briefly: For a reaction to occur particles have to collide with each other. Only a small percent result in a reaction. This is due to the energy barrier to overcome. Only particles with enough energy to overcome the barrier will react after colliding.
To make sure that my test is fair I will make sure to keep all the
from 10cm to 50cm to make it easier to see the difference in a graph.
The Effect of Acid on the Neutralisation Point Aim to find how the concentration of acid affects the neutralisation point between acid and alkali. Preliminary work in my preliminary work my aim was to find out which indicator would give the best results in my neutralisation experiment to do this we used three different indicators and worked out which one gave us the result closest to the neutralisation point. We found that universal indicator gave us the most varied results and was the closest to the neutralisation point. Prediction I predict that the higher the concentration of the acid the more alkali will be needed to neutralise the acid. Hypothesis an equal amount of the same strength acid and alkali will neutralise each other, so if there is 100ml of 1 mole acid and 100ml of 1 mole alkali mixed together the solution would become neutral.
Investigating the Factors Influencing the Rate of Reaction Between Sodium Thiosulphate and Dilute Hydrochloric Acid
Due to archeological evidence we know that the African people were the first people in the world to use counting to keep track of their things, or time. Around 35,000 BC, in South Africa the earliest known tally stick was made, and was left in Lebombo Cave. 29 notches were cut into the stick. We don't know exactly what they were counting. Some people think they were counting the days from one moon phase to the next, but it could have been something else. Just as well. Now, what we do see is that by 35,000 BC people in South Africa had the idea of keeping records by making marks. “The Lebombo bone is a baboon fibula with a set of 29 notches carved in it. Archeologists believe these marks are evidence of a primitive calendar, measuring either the lunar or the menstrual calendar. This artifact is incredibly important for unders...
The Arrhenius equation ln k = ln A – (Ea / RT) can be shown
The Effect of Sodium Thiosulphate Solution on the Rate of its Reaction with Hydrochloric Acid
· When I have collected my results I will place them in a table like
Volume's Effect on a Copper Sulphate Solution We are trying to find out if the current though a copper sulphate solutions volume is increased. To find this information out I shall perform an experiment using the following equipment; · 1 power pack · 1 beaker · 2 carbon rods for anode and cathode · 1 ammeter · 1 measuring cylinder · 2 crocodile clip wirers I shall also be using 60cm3 volume of copper sulphate in my preliminary results to decide upon the concentration of copper sulphate and the voltage I shall use. The following diagrams show the step by step process in which I will do my experiment; [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] [IMAGE] I will take 10 readings from 10cm3 to 100cm3. I will repeat my experiment to give my experiment a fair average. I will keep the power pack the beaker the carbon rods the crocodile clips the ammeter the concentration of copper sulphate and the measuring cylinder the same each time I do the experiment this experiment.
Hydrochloric Acid, Sodium Thiosulphate Reaction. Research: What is the difference between Hydrochloric acid is a strong colourless acid formed when hydrogen chloride gas dissociates in water, used in industrial and laboratory. processes. The.