The Pros And Cons Of Ethical Dilemmas

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Pharmacists play a vital role in the society. To practice as a pharmacist you have to be registered with America Pharmacists Association. To be a pharmacist it may take up to eight. You need to take four years in undergraduate to be a fully recognized pharmacist. You will also need to pass the North American Pharmacist Licensure exam and the state exam to become a fully accredited pharmacist. In current world the medical practitioners faces a lot of ethical dilemmas. According to ASHP foundation forecast, (2016-2020), the dilemmas are brought by technology advancements and shifting pharmaceutical marketplace dynamics. Thus seems there is the theory that explains tension between population healthcare and personal health care and overpricing of the medicine. This is due to lack transparency during the drug pricing decisions and though the united States have commenced investigations with the intentions to intervene, this problem does not seem to end in the near future. This overpricing may prevent all the patients getting the medicines. Pharmacists are also faced with the problem of reconciling advice and protocols on population-based with those on individual patients. Manufacturers and suppliers bear the responsibility to …show more content…

Insurance companies in the health sector also pose a big ethical dilemma. The aim of these insurance companies is purely to make profits. These profits come from the spending of the health care consumers. Thus for them to make money the cost of accessing health care goes up. To start with the health care is only available to those who have paid for it and secondly it does not cover the patient wholly. When you get the billboards on the street know that what you pay for your medical care some have gone to this purpose. On covering all the illness you get that the insurance covers you for certain diseases but when it comes to major illness you are not covered as explained by Warren, J etl,

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