Moral Dilemma Case Study

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Kaitlyn Edwards Professor Rosenfeld April 26, 2014 Moral Dilemma I am on my way home from work and I notice a car flipped over on the side of the road. The car is leaking gas and no one has bothered to pull over to tend to the people inside. I notice this car is similar to my husband’s, so I pull over as fast as I can and race to the flipped car. When I look inside, I notice it is my husband and another women. My husband is still conscience and he mouths to me “I’m so sorry honey.” And from that second, I knew he was having an affair with the woman in the car. The car suddenly catches on fire, and I realize I have only a second to get someone out of the car and fast. I can get the woman out with no problem and save her life, but I won’t have time to go back and save my husband. My husband is losing a lot of blood and if I do manage to get him out, it’s a slim chance he may still. If I tend to my husband’s lover, he will indeed bleed to death but if I tend to my husband, I will save him for the moment but it’s not a definite chance he will make it. I have to choose whom to save but f...

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