The Pros And Cons Of Academic Pressure

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Academic pressure had been increasing significantly in the past few years. In schools today, academic pressure put on teens is excessive, unnecessary, and can be extremely harmful. Academic pressure is the pressure an individual feels while in school caused by an academic stressor. These stressors come from many different sources one of which is an external factor. An external factor is one that comes from an outside source. For example, parents and put academic pressure on a student in hopes of their child getting into a great college and colleges set high standards for teens so they feel pressured to be a perfect student to get into their dream college. For example, Nora who is a 4.0 student did not get a 4.0. Her mother said to Neighmond that Nora cried for hours after not receiving all A’s in her classes. Not receiving all A’s is not the end of the world. Even the top colleges in the United States still recieve people that do not have a perfect GPA. The other type of pressure is internal. An internal pressure comes from a student themself. For example, a student can pressure themselves to get an A in an advanced placement class. Because of these pointless pressures, students sometimes can not cope with them and can potentially be harmed by them. There are voluminous examples of students being harmed due to academic pressures in today’s society. For example, in an article that …show more content…

The pressure has to be within the healthy zone of Yerkes-Dodson Law so a student can maximize their work ethic. They must use skills such as time management and organizational skills. If they do not follow this they will suffer high levels of stress. These high levels of stress can lead to many symptoms that can end up hurting themself. If a parent is alerted of this unnaturally high stress in their child, they must take them to a therapist allowing them to talk to a professional that can help them through this low point in their

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