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Personality test analysis
Personality test analysis
Reliability and validity of Jung's typology test
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The Personality test that I have chosen to critique for this assignment is called “Humanmetric Jung’s Typology Test”. It is an online questionnaire which uses a series of 64 multiple choice questions with a set of scalar options with “uncertain” in the middle to calculate what traits best represent you and by what percent. The four categories tested for in this test were very similar to the five-factor model of personality traits (Krause et al, 2018) and were listed as: extraversion versus introversion, intuition versus sensing, feeling versus thinking and perceiving versus judging. Overall, my expectations for the tests reliability are high for finding the traits which it seeks out however low for the ultimate purpose of the …show more content…
For this reason, the test would be able to see the basic trend in answers favouring towards extraversion and still give the same result even if not all answers were exactly the same. Along with this, I was able to identify certain validity scales talked about in lecture which had been put in place. Firstly, the test used a fair amount of questions which, as discussed in lecture, forces the testee to answer based on their initial feeling instead of analyzing each question and choosing what they deemed the best response. Along with this, there was an option for uncertain which was placed as the middle scalar in each question. After an attempt to complete the quiz once with a majority of uncertain answers, I was prompted to take the test again before I could be given a result. This was an example of the “? Scale” talked about in lecture. An area of improvement which could have been incorporated into this test would have been the use of an “F-scale” which is incorporated in the MMPI. I was able to hypothesize that no F scale factored in since there was not any questions which seemed like they would have been very out of place if they would have been answered yes which
The Humanmetrics Jung Typology Test certainly brought to light many unseen aspects towards my personal character traits and leadership style at work and at home (2015). Whether I am interacting with members from my personal or professional life, my INTJ personality type dominates my perception for good or ill. Strengths and weaknesses abound in any of the sixteen personalities designated by the Jung/Myers-Briggs Personality Test. My self-confidence and perfectionist attitude can be attributed to my identified type. As Marina Heiss explains, a degree of mental independence from authority, convention, and sentiment can also be reached (2015). Throughout this assignment I have grasped a few of the reasons on why I have tendency/preference to
...is test is based on extensive scientific research and not generalized personality information. The creator of the JTT, as well as his or her partner had to put a lot of work into it. There are many people who post online at this personality test is very accurate and or get on to how they are, you cannot get that just from luck.
The relationship between personality and resilience has become a topic of interest due to the prevalent concept that some people are less vulnerable to the impacts of stress and recover faster from stress. Personality is regarded as a crucial factor that affects the behavioral aspects of humans in their social and personal life. The personality of an individual represents different patterns of behaviors that are relatively predictable and stable. In this perspective, personality can be seen as an expression of distinction from one person to the other and allows for the enables in the prediction of relative behaviors in various situations. Personality type is regarded as a psychological method of classifying various types of people. Personality
Overall, the test had an adequate reliability coefficients. It is important to note that the items with the higher alpha scores had more questions, whereas, the items with the lowest alphas scores had fewer questions. Fewer questions my make it more difficult to get higher homogeneity scores (Drummond et al., 2016). So at first consideration, I would say this is a strong test with reliable scales. When assessing validity, I would be inclined to also consider it a strong test. The correlations conveyed a wide array of strength. Yet some of the expected overlap represents adequate validity (Psychnet, 2016). Overall, this could be a good test to use if targeting population similar to the tested population. It was tested on highly academic groups, which may not be representational of the population at large, but may be useful in colligate settings (Psychnet, 2016).
Personality types stems from Carl Jung spend time observing personality preferences, which he later on published in his in 1921. Carl’s discovery of the two major typical differences in human psychology such as extrovert and introvert influenced Katherine Cook Briggs and her daughter Isabel Myers theories and lead them to experiment during World War II. Myers and Briggs worked on methods that would help women, who heretofore had no prior workplace experience, find those types of jobs that were most comfortable and effective (Myers & Myers, 1996). The three learning styles I have chosen to write about would meet the needs of the learners and provide an effective learner/teacher experience. Therefore, the need for learning level in people varies at all levels, to make sure the delivery method meets the learners’ expectation, it is important to re-evaluate the styles of learning chosen and make sure all background
The Big Five Personality Test provided an interesting account of my personality. Although the majority of the results were accurate, I was surprised by two of the outcomes. According to this test, I am a closed-minded, unmethodical, social butterfly that is well-mannered towards others and composed under pressure (John, 2009). First, the results were completely accurate as I am extremely extroverted. I never meet a stranger, and I carry on conversations with anyone. From the custodian, to the cashier, to a random person on the street, it gives me a great sense of fulfillment to engage in dialogue with others from all walks of life. Second, I agree that I am polite and supportive, especially with family and friends. Overall, I try to always
The Myers and Briggs personality test is unlike many of the personality tests you will find randomly online because it was designed to examine the ways in which you focus on the world and make everyday decisions. After taking this test myself I have found out a few things about myself that I did not really notice before. According to the Myers-Briggs test my personality type is INFP, which stands for Introversion, iNtuition, Feeling, and Perceiving. At the start of this test I had no idea that I was considered an introvert because as far as I can remember I have always loved being around people and never really thought about things before acting, which is the exact personality of an extrovert. The end of this personality test has a section that describes the different traits of those under that category and as for what it says about me I do feel that it matches some of my traits to a tee, but at the same time I feel like there are a few traits that are a bit off. Perso...
After taking this personality test I could not decide if I felt that my results were accurate about me or not. The personality test resulted in describing me as an extravert, intuitive, feeling, and judging (Humanmetrics,
Utility of assessment. Why are these types of personality assessments useful? Did you find the results useful? Why or why not?
According to Carl Jung’s typology theory each individual develops personal preferences which become the foundation for how they face life’s challenges and interact with others. Based on this knowledge Isabel Briggs Myers developed the Myers-Briggs Type indicator (MBTI). This test helps individuals identify and study their individual preference and those of others. After taking the Jung Typology Test, which is based on the MBTI, it was confirmed that my four dominate personality preferences are Introversion, iNtuition, Thinking and Judging. Each personality preference is discussed in detail including strengths and weaknesses. The combination of the four make me a INTJ of the world. This is also discussed in detail including strengths, weaknesses,
The Jung Typology Test is designed to give the participant a 4-letter formula which describes strength preferences of one’s personality type. The formula is based on whether the participant favors Extraversion or Introversion, Sensing or iNtuition, Thinking or Feeling, and Judging or Perceiving when it comes to the participant’s general attitude. One will also receive a Temperament, which is based on one’s personality type formula, and can be used to make somewhat accurate predictions of the participants preferred behavior. In this essay I will discuss the results that I received after taking the test. Having a personality type that prefers extraversion, sensing, feeling, and judging comes with many strengths and weaknesses when working in
There are many people in this world; no two people are the same. When considering personality theories it is important to note that not all theories apply to all situations or all people. Different theories have different approaches. It is important to know the person before making assumptions about the proper theory to apply to the person or in any given situation. The purpose of this paper is to analysis how different personality theorists could interoperate different individual circumstances and behaviors based on case examples provided by the instructor.
Personality psychologists that were fascinated in what distinguishes one individual from another created the Big Five Personality test to conclude why we act the way we do as john stated (John). The Big Five Personality traits can be summarized into five separate groups starting with neurotic, extroversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness and Openness/experience. John states that in the systematic group The Big Five is now the most precise and most benefited model (John). After taking the Personality tests myself the results seemed pretty accurate to what I was expecting but in some of the categorize I was a little bit shocked as well.
In the vast and detailed world of psychology, there are a variety of different tests you can participate in. For example, you can participate in aptitude, verbal or numerical reasoning, and psychometric tests. These tests assess on a variety of different situations such as: behaviors, abilities and intelligence. Personality tests, a common and favored test, measure things such as: behavioral style, opinions, motivators, personal values and career interests. Most often, people complain or disagree with the score of some areas on their personality test; however, there are no right or wrong answers. After completing this personality test and reviewing the results, I found that the overall scoring accurately described me in most areas. The Big Five Personality test scores in five different areas involving openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness and neuroticism.
For psychologists, one of the more popular theories espoused is the trait approach to personality, or “the idea that people have consistent personality characteristics that can be measured and studied” (Kalat, 2002, 512). However there are several problems that arise. First, there are significant cross-cultural differences, so one set of personality traits for one culture may differ considerably for another. The next problem would concern the creation of a test that could accurately measure these traits. While psychologists have for the most part addressed these issues, I will focus on the latter of the two. There has been a number of multiple personality tests put to use such as the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI), the Thematic Apperception Test (TAT), the Rorschach Inkblots and others. In our class we were instructed to take the 16 PF personality test in which we would judge for ourselves how accurate the test was based on our own personal experiences. In judging the usefulness of this test we took into consideration its reliability and validity. For a test to be reliable it must be able to accurately reflect consistent results for various people that can be agreed upon by researchers and therapists alike. Reliability in turn relates to validity. To be valid a test must be dependable producing data that can be used to detect a mental illness or otherwise certain personality dimensions within psychologically healthy individuals. Furthermore personality tests must be standardized, having data capable of being “interpreted in a prescribed fashion” (Kalat, 2002, 528). These standards are based on a comparison of a large number of people who have taken the test, one group with a particular disorder and another group who consist of the normal range. These allow researchers to identify people who score within a certain range to be more typical of a particular disorder. While the 16 PF personality test meets these criteria, whether or not the test is accurate remains to be explored. Within the next couple of pages I will describe the results of the test and discuss whether or not the data is an accurate reflection of my own personality.