The relationship between personality and resilience has become a topic of interest due to the prevalent concept that some people are less vulnerable to the impacts of stress and recover faster from stress. Personality is regarded as a crucial factor that affects the behavioral aspects of humans in their social and personal life. The personality of an individual represents different patterns of behaviors that are relatively predictable and stable. In this perspective, personality can be seen as an expression of distinction from one person to the other and allows for the enables in the prediction of relative behaviors in various situations. Personality type is regarded as a psychological method of classifying various types of people. Personality
He defines introversion as the turning inward of psychic energy with inclination towards the subjective aspect of experiences (Feist & Feist, 2009). On the other hand, extroversion refers to the turning outward of psychic energy that leads to the tendency to turn towards objectivity and away from subjectivity. However, Jung identifies that humans rest somewhere on the scale of a balance between introversion and extroversion. The implication of this theory is that some people may portray a high degree of one aspect and a lower degree of another (Jung, 2014). On this basis, those who are referred as introverts are those that have a low degree of extroversion and the same applies to extroverts. Jung also notes that the functions of sensing, feeling, thinking, and intuiting impact on the personalities of people and moderate their degrees of extroversion and
They take strong betrayals as a significant loss and can mourn the loss of a relationship (Bhargava et al., 2015). Introverts are more likely to experience intense stress levels that can last for a long time as they strive to figure out the possible cause of the traumatizing events. It can be difficult for introverts to accommodate other people after they are hurt and need time alone before they recover from the trauma (Jung, 2014). Often, they take some time to heal and regroup their feelings to recover from the damage carried upon them. Introverts usually eliminate people from their life as a way of reacting to the situation (Feist & Feist, 2009). The introverts first try to comprehend why they were betrayed before they take the next course of action. This makes it hard for them to cope with stress and unexpected hurtful events, which implies a prolonged period of
Extraverts are people who are relatively sociable and outgoing while on the opposite end individuals who are introverts are people who would much rather enjoy the company of close friends and family. People who are high in agreeableness are more likely to be trustworthy. Those who are high in conscientiousness are goal-oriented. Individuals high in neuroticism
When one is proceeding through the journey of life and crossing the bridge of development, it is often noted that personality has a major influence on personal health. Sometimes, while searching for the perfect spouse or ideal home, one might get wrapped up in the adventure that life throws at them, and they do not realize the extent to which their personality, throughout their everyday lives, affects their health. This, therefore, creates an ideal space for scientists and psychologists across the world to study the impact of the various factors of personality on health. Some of the major factors that are commonly studied within Personality Psychology are the Big-Five
The main difference between introverts and extroverts is where they draw their energy from. Extroverts are generally considered as an expressive individual who seem to be energized by outgoing and social activities whereas introverts prefer the solitary pursuits -often embroiled in their own imagination- and may sometimes find the company of others draining. Introvert tend to recharge by reflection over ideas or by enjoying the solitude; they lose energy when they are near the crowd or large group of people.
An individual’s behaviour may differ depending on the circumstances they are in though there are definite signs of repetitive behaviour when placed in majority of the situations. These characteristics are known as traits which make up the personality of each person (Engler, 2014). Personality theorists do not have a mutual agreement on how the term personality should be used. They each have their definition of personality thus providing a large number of diverse personality theories (Engler, 2014). For example, Eysenck (1970) defined personality as a relatively permanent and consistent composition of an individual’s disposition that in turn establishes how the person adjusts to their
Extraversion and its counterpart, introversion, have been the focus of many studies spanning several decades. Carl Jung (date) was the first to describe and document the trait of extroversion-introversion for study. Jung realized that extroversion differed for every person and fell somewhere on a spectrum (Guilford & Braly, 1930). According to J.P. Guilford and Kenneth W. Braly, “Extroversion is based upon a general chemical or metabolic disposition of the nervous system which produces a relative condition of general dissociation, a heightened resistance at the synapses, especially in the higher nervous centers” (Guilford and Braly, 1931). An extroverted person draws their energy from being around people where
If you are an introvert, you probably know how it feels like to be routinely passed over for leadership roles in school, in an organization or in college. The daring boy who always speaks his mind and raises his hands in class is always recognized as a better student representative than the introverts in the room. The frustration and disappointment that introverts have to go through because of the common misunderstanding that they are shy or anti-social has probably left a negative impact in your life. For centuries, people have preferred extroverted leaders rather than introverted leaders because great leaders are always characterized as gregarious and charismatic (McHugh,
For example, when asked a question at work I often answer with “give me just one second”, or “ill get back to you”. Most introverts need time for internal reflection. A chance to process the question and think about my response. Introverts make great listeners, are studious, and are okay with solitary activities (The Personality Page, n.d.). However, most introverts have a hard time with external communication and are sometimes perceived as being non-social (The Personality Page,
Just and introvert and extrovert are opposites of each other, the other types that make up a person personality are also opposite each other. This is best explained on the Meyer-Briggs Foundations website which describes four “dichotomies.” Introvert and extrovert are the first set of dichotomies, followed by sensing and intuition, thinking and feeling, and judging and perceiving. The combination of these characteristics make up one’s personality type. (Myers and Briggs Foundation) By using Jung’s theories we can analyze each character and identify what it is that makes the character relatable.
In the field of psychology, personality refers to the unique characteristics and behavior patterns that distinguish one individual from another. Personality can be a complex spectrum to evaluate. Personality of is not always stable and may change over time for different reasons such as shocking events, education, and environment to name a few. The study and assessment of personality has been used to describe and discover from severe mental disorders to assist self-awareness. Personality inventories are a method to assess personality traits. These evaluation methods arose from the need to understand and treat the effects of war on soldiers’ personality. Personality inventories have evolved over time and today are used in several fields: education, research, clinical, counseling, and industrial / organizational. This paper aims to explore and offer details of one of these personality inventories: The Sixteen Personality Factors Questionnaire (16PF).
As we live our lives each day we probably do not contemplate our personality types or how our types intertwine themselves in our mannerisms and actions. I recently took a personality test from the “Jung Typology Test”. The test revealed that I am an extravert, sensing, thinking, and judging which we will refer to as an ESTJ throughout this discussion. The personality test reveals your four types of personality along with your two temperaments associated with your type. As an ESTJ, I fall into the SJ (sensing, judging) temperament. In this discussion, I will attempt to explain what I have learned about myself through the personality test as well as correlate my type with my temperament. With the information revealed in tests, I will reflect
There are many people in this world; no two people are the same. When considering personality theories it is important to note that not all theories apply to all situations or all people. Different theories have different approaches. It is important to know the person before making assumptions about the proper theory to apply to the person or in any given situation. The purpose of this paper is to analysis how different personality theorists could interoperate different individual circumstances and behaviors based on case examples provided by the instructor.
It is believed that personality was broken into two different yet basic dimensions; extraversion-introversion and neuroticism (Cale, 2006, p. 251). A third dimension came into play later in Eysenck’s research; this would come to be called psychoticism (Cale, 2006, p. 252). Though the other dimensions are important to personality this paper will focus on the biological factors of only extraversion-introversion.
All in all, keep in mind that social relationships are intended to create a balance in life. Extroverts favour the company of others and recharge through social scenes. On the other hand, introverts are able to spend time in social situations but can often become drained and prefer to gain energy by remaining in solitude, but one should never experience such extremes. Therapy can aid in the psychological concerns that instigated the behaviours of social isolation. One is able to re-learn and develop social skills and cognise ways to cope with symptoms.
On the other hand, introverts are people who are concerned with and interested in their own mental life and often perceived as more reserved and less outspoken in groups. Unlike extroverts who are feeling energized when they are around a large group of people, introverts have energy drained from them through human interaction. Hence, it is essential for them to spend some alone time to “recharge”. Al...
The concept of personality has numerous definitions (Fatahi, Moradi, & Kashani-Vahid, 2016). Schultz and Schultz (2009), define personality in its broad sense as the manner of an individual’s behaviour in different situations. This essay explores the nature of personality, with the intention of highlighting its flexibility. The results of numerous empirical research studies are examined in order to investigate if, and how personality changes over time. It will be argued that an individual’s personality has the ability to change throughout their life.