The New Colossus

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The national moto of France is translated to “liberty, equality, fraternity.” This moto drives the revolutionary spirit in the people. I believe that the revolutionary spirit is the felling or thought that everyone should have the same opportunities in life. The characters in les miserbles show this revolutionary spirit. Liberty means the state of being free within society, Jean Valjean is the best character for this tenet because he had saved a man from going to prison for the rest of his life. Equality means the state of being equal, Enjlras is the best character for this because he starts the revolution of the poor against the rich. Fraternity is the feeling of friendship within a group of people, Gavroche is a good character for this tenet because he treats the poor as his own brothers, …show more content…

“Give me your tired, your poor/Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free/The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.”’ Referring to the statue of liberty, the author is stating that she welcomes those who live in poverty and tries to help them and believes they should be free. The character Jean Valjean in les miserbles is similar to this poem, in the song “Who Am I” from les miserbles he sings, “He thinks that man is me/Without a second glance!/That stranger he has found/This man could be my chance!/…/ Can I condemn this man to slavery/Pretend I do not feel his agony/This innocent who wears my face/Who goes to judgment in my place/…/ And so Javert, you see it's true/This man bears no more guilt than you!/Who am I?/24601” Javert had thought that this man was Jean Valjean and was going to send him to prison. Instead of getting it out of the way and letting this man get punished for his crime Valjean confesses to Javert and lets the man live on a free life. jean valjean believed that this man deserved a better life that what he had, he believed he should be

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