The Movie Moana Of The Polynesian Culture

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Society is built of many different cultures which is used to identify a person with their customs, moral beliefs, and behavioral patterns. Culture is a significant root to society. Traditions that are passed down from generations to generations is accustomed from Cultures. The accuracy of Disney’s animated movie Moana of the Polynesian culture and traditions was extensively research by John Musker and Ron Clements throughout the native tribes in Polynesia, which displays throughout the movie on its accuracy on fine details such as character design, songs/dances, prints, resource gathering, and many more examples. Disney effectively uses rhetorical appeals of doxa, logos, kairos, and pathos that provides their audience knowledge on the Polynesian …show more content…

Polynesians are known for the colonization of the Pacific Islands through voyaging and wayfinding. Canoes were built to go across the larges ocean on earth and battle the winds and currents. In the movie Disney displays doxa, the Polynesian value and tradition of Moana’s ancestors wayfinding throughout the song “We know the way” and presenting Moana’s journey as a voyager and way finder. Moana becomes a chief in the movie but Polynesian cultures do not believe in women becoming chief but Disney practices the Polynesian tradition and value of passing their tittle down to their first born who is ready to lead a kingdom. Other Doxa examples are displayed in the movie such as the way pacific islanders cook their meals in pits, how the character is presented in a mix of cultures by their appearance, Samoan headdress, Tongan traditional clothing together with Hawaiian dancing, Tokelau lyrics and Tahitian drumming. In the movie Moana’s home is on the island of Motunui, Motunui provides resources like fish and plants so the characters are expected to not go beyond the reef, in resemblance of Polynesia, Tetiaroa atoll is uses as a reference point as an island that is an enclosed lagoon. Values that are passed down from generations to generations are used in the movie when Moana’s grandmother is shown as a mentor to connect Moana to ancient traditions, this is a great example of Kairos and Doxa. Furthermore, Moana practices the way Polynesians treat their elders by respecting and honoring her

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