The Internet and Technology

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The Internet and Technology

Technology today has made an impact in our everyday lives. Technology offers many advances in the world. One of the areas of impact is in the field of education. An important technological advance has been movies and videos. Some would say these have become vital teaching tools. Technology as a whole has made way for several new conventions, some good, and some bad. While there are several advantages to using technology to enhance education, there are also several disadvantages. Technology as it is used today can improve the knowledge a student attains. However, the disadvantages outweigh the advantages. As Christians we need to be aware of the many things that technology has to offer us so that our students do not fall into satin's pitfall.

If technology is used in the right ways, it can enhance a student's learning. The internet offers many forms of media that "combine text, audio, visual, graphic and self-motivated elements" (Bates 40). These multiple forms of media present knowledge in several different ways, such as the, "opportunity for deeper levels of understanding, particularly if the presentational qualities are fully and deliberately exploited to achieve this purpose and are combined with the potential for learner interaction" (Bates 40). However the internet and technology cannot be the only source of information used to teach students. There must be a balance between the teaching through technology and the traditional teaching. It is important the students do not get locked into learning through technology alone, or through the traditional way alone. "Multimedia needs to be carefully designed to facilitate the development of this kind of thinking. Thus the role of the teacher is by ...

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...cessor or the computer, we'd still be sending letters to family and friends. It wouldn't be by the click of the mouse. Technology has allowed for education to expand, allowing more information available to people who want it, whenever they want it. The only precaution that needs to be taken is to use the technology that is set beside us as tools to increase our learning and our faith. We should not use the computer to do anything that would not be glorifying to God.

Works Cited

Basset, Jonathan. "Keeping a Perspective on Computer Technology." Organization of American Historians Magazine of History 12.4 (1998): 74-76.

Bates, A. W. "Teaching, Learning, and the impact of Multimedia Technologies." Educause Review 35.5 (2000): 38-43.

VanderLeeest. "Niebuhr's Christ And Culture." Webbook 2001

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